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Old 01-08-04, 12:52 AM   #4
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A Babie's Dream....


A parallel world where my future and past collides
Unknown tasks undefined, a guessing game decides
Confessing my dreams, proclaiming any gaining’s
You see I’m stuck in the seams, without trainings
A seed unleashed, a deep beast not yet deceased
Infinite possibilities as opportunity turns a knob greased
My dad pleased, buying blue bed sheets and wallpaper
My mom pleased, guiding the plans to make me safer
My sibling uneasy, sweating the days when he's alone
I drift off into a state where I miss all of the show
Dreaming of a world where my potential is able to grow
Dreaming of a world where equality is on the table to show
The fable is known, my dream is the dream of everyone
Is seems we all want some fun, to put ahead number one
Ourselves, success, carefree with no stress to be blessed
I guessed this was the normal of this world, but I surely jest
When in the womb, I had dreams of something profound
But now I’m ina tomb, dead after a lifetime in bounds
My original dreams unfulfilled because of various means
I was a teenage bombshell screaming for pleasant scenes
Murdered for my beliefs and protests on grief’s and incest
My brief life can only say how ironic was my in-utero dreams
Compared to the the Hamptons, a Compton ghetto only personifies a brutal theme