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Old 04-30-05, 10:10 PM   #2
Posts: 2,944
From: Bmore, Murderland
IP: heres the part the tut is really made for..time for the go back to layer>new adjustment layer> color balance...mix the switches up til u get what u like..i had to go back to my layers pallete to change the opacity on my dark layers to make the sigs lighter...

now if u look on the layers pallete..u can see on the color balance layer there is a gonna use that...wit the color balance layer selected..go to filter>ender> it was that simple...but we aint done yet..ckuz when u do that..go back to layers>new adjustment layers>color that again..but make it different of course..

now u can do the clouds thing as many times as u want..but ont get carried u look..u can see white blue and green..not as strong as the gradient..but the colors r kinda all over the place...

put a pic if u like..some text..then a border...i will make a pic blendin and a text blendin tut in a couple minutes so be on the look out for that..i hope yall liked this..if not..ill just stcik to usin this way man eace out..have fun wit it..

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