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Old 06-17-04, 12:58 PM   #4
Doper Then Dope
Posts: 2,125
From: ..?

Breathing Constently, For every Breath is awoken
Peep Death from every Curve for life is now spoken
I am 75 years old and here I am walking with a cane
Nobody helped, Nobody wanted me becuz they thought I was insane
Where am I in my house, where am I, Is this a chair
Little did I know I was close to the stairs
I trip and fell couldnt do nothing couldnt even grab the door
Finally my neck felt a sharp pain by time I hit the bottom floor
1 hours later no maybe 2 hours later I face my dark coldness like if I was a pop-cicle
Where am I, Nobody answered where am I no replie,Nothing but a single obsticle
2 tunnel lights apear as they both lead a single way
Shook with my own fear left me breathless with nothing to say
I ran right, No wait maybe its the left "Ohh im so confused"
Thinking the death bed game is leaving me heart abused
I waited thinking for 1 day and 2 single hard hungry night
Cant wait no more im getting hungry but a cherishing light
Reaching out of my sight leaving brain focused and where to go
I thought I was a good ol man who's Blood Pressure was low
As I walk steadily by my heart is shook and pounding with fear
The light gets bigger the light gets way bigger as I knew the end was near
Here I am at the end of the light as Dreams and nothing but what I am behind
Falling down the stairs I must be blind, as know my place is where I find
Tripping and studding as a sharp pain hit my 75 year old thy
but I keep walkin into the light and im here and I ask myself, 'Where am I'

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