Thread: middle school
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Old 03-27-09, 05:00 PM   #40
Rather Unique
Posts: 1,066

I would have like 10 pages filled with stories from middle school man. We used to fuck with teachers hard core. The most fucked up thing I ever did was take a shit in the girls sink. It was in 7th grade and it was class time. I was like,"fuck I want to do something really funny." So I got a pass from class to go to the bathroom and I took a shit in the girls sink. After class I started walking towards that girls bathroom and all I could hear was girls yelling and I saw a lot of them fleeing out of the bathroom. They never did figure out it was me lol.

The best thing we ever did was fuck with this football star dude. It was 9th grade year. I remember him being completely bulked up and probably ten times stronger than me or my friend brendan. But we would always fuck with him. We signed him up for spelling bee's, we signed him up for haircut's and we knew his home number so we'd always give it to the people at the places. It was the greatest shit ever because we've both known that football player since like 1rst grade and he just gets really pissed and acts like he's going to do something but never does. It's some great shit lol. Fucking funny ass shit.

gah I got to many damn stories that are fucked up from school.

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