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Old 06-03-04, 03:39 PM   #7
Shadows edge
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Posts: 1,666
From: Urbana

^ no they didn't, not by my computer. Anyway I think that, sadly enough, LI took this. First of all, you guys should have agreed on a line length, but it was still gay of Triple N to go like twice as long as LI did. Triple N, your verse was nice in exactly two spots, where you sort of murdered nice concepts and wasted them with poor wording and lack of set up. The "hot beet" thing was nice, the "mime" is not too original but still nice. But your verse was so annoying with its 87 variations of LI, and none of them were even good. Like wtf does Lactose Intolerance have to do with lack of strength. Seriously man, I've seen you do much better.

LI, I don't know how long you spent on that, but its better than half the other stuff you do. A couple lines were weak and just filler, but you dissed his name pretty originally, dissed his crew slogan and overall had decent enough flow although still a bit stretched.

Sad to say, v/ LI