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Old 07-16-06, 09:43 PM   #4
Above Originality
Posts: 2,757

Stare so demonic yet fragile with a touch
Like a tree to bare fruit at a certain deration of time, she shares her love
Corruption is upon her yet she knows not to think
Nor to let a simple sintricate thought slip, for death lies in a eye that blinks
Her tears shed like rain but crash hard like the ocean
Her emotions ripple away in a sudden rush with no sense of devotion
caused a cummotion, her eye's wander in curiousity
She crumbles like lost gravity, hitting the ground with such velocity
she settles in the feeling of a no name
like a broken mirrored frame the jagged glass falling is her mirrored pain
married to the eye's of tearony, she see's her own
crossed paths of a mirrored game, she hides to seek from her own clone
chrome, a life of neon and a pint of home
Yet the bloodied tears still rapidly descend into a pint of home all alone
Shaked, moved as her emotion burn all of her mistakes
She leaps and plunges to her death, which is always remembered as the leap of faith
Chryme Syndicate
-Chalkin' Up Your Future
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