Thread: All About Him
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Old 12-04-10, 05:49 PM   #11
_Talksic_'s Avatar
Posts: 2,414

you will make it if you keep doing what your doing.
and as for record lables, check out baby grande records, its the best one out that ive heard of, its more of a distribution deal then having to be a ventrilaquist for a label, or for what sells..
but strong point big pic, if you get to the kids early enough they wont be going to those bars when they grow older. eminem says something similar at the beggining of yellow brick road on his encore cd..
problem with only preforming at churches is not everyones kids goes to church.and believe me from bouncing for 4 years i hate dealing with drunk people..
but then to add to that when jesus walked this earth, who did he eat with and what did he say, he ate with sinners and corrupt people and when asked about it he said,
why would a person thats not sick need a doctor, (referring to the true followers)
the sick are the ones that need a doctor. (referring to the sinners)

"the loudest one in the room is the weakest"- frank lucas..
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