Thread: Haters
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Old 11-26-09, 07:21 AM   #1
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036


Was thinking about this the other day...

Have you ever felt good about something, or were excited about some project or idea, then told other people only to have them "bring you back down to reality"?

See...^^that, right there, is the very definition of hate.

Why do people feel the need to do that? Exactly what is the worst thing that can happen to someone if they follow their dream (even if it is far-fetched)? They fail? So what!

I don't think failure is the worst thing that could happen to someone, not trying is...

Some people never experience disappointment because they never strive for something greater than their current circumstances...I think THAT'S the tragedy...the ultimate "failure" can always tell if someone is a hater or not...Here's what you do.

Divulge to them some "good" news...or at the minimum, news that you are excited about. If they are happy for you, that's a true friend/supporter. If they find a reason to shoot it or you down, or "bring you down a peg", then, that's a hater--or at least someone hating at that moment.

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