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Old 01-23-05, 03:43 AM   #4
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

Forever Changed

a truely shallow story

[setting : algebra]

awoke just the the day prior today's eve.
the next dawn would be different, only in ways i can dream.
shed sit along side of me, and i lean...over and feed her whispers.
my eyes in a coma, cause her ora's like misdemeanor liquor.
intent to blink & kiss her. what i need is a matchmaker.
all those pity laughs i gave her & not to mention the mass paper.
the sweet & surene letters... ive written, since ive met her.
lines like..." your my dr. pepper, cause ya make my world taste better."
you might not have noticed, but every chapter test...
...i inch my paper closer to yours, but you wont cheat i guess.
i like that best about you, your candid... & most def independent.
ya beauty is evident, cause i fell in love with you in less than a minute.
member that day i was late to class, just to catch your eye.
i asked for a hug, then the class replied with laughter high.
& ya didnt say a word. but ya popularity is not of my concern.
i dont care if ya had a thousand valentines, im your crush for sure.
i sit in math just comtemplatin'...exactly how long ive wated.
im not asking for marriage, all i need is some conversation.
the other day i... stomped ya pic into the pavement.
just so i could kiss your wounds. in time my patience...
..will flood the faces, i have ever exiled in life.
cause you distill every thought that is not heavenly like.
your presence circulates the nerves inside.
when our focus aligns...even the glare off ya eyes is divine.
i held the door for you, everyday for the past semester.
and since september, ive been able to stand the pressures.
we're flawless intwine, the way we met was no accident.
perhaps it ment...much more to me, half cause im abstinent.
ocassionally you catch on... so i play my tricks & call.
never to fail myself or the hex, i pretended withdrawl.
problem solved...all i had to do, was put on an act.
front i didnt feel you, and let your heart react.
motivated my week, so i kept acting for a month.
still under a hunch...sucessfully i didnt stare at ya once.
i began to experience self control again, like shrek... didnt take fluke or obeasity to force our connect.
my attempts to date you, are now non existant...their sober.
ive moved on to pure infatuation, hence...friendships over.
ive fallen for a different person, shes actually worth it.
not cause shes not virgin, its that her photo fits in my wallet perfect.

g'luck bab.