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Old 05-03-05, 04:21 PM   #11
~Lady Fiya~
~*Duchess of Metaphors*~
~Lady Fiya~'s Avatar
Posts: 4,458
From: chi-town

ok i was just informed that i can vote by the tourney leaders.. aight well, here's my critique..

Emotion: i say Flow took this catergory by the way he worded his lines, they drawn attention to me easily, and i didn't get bored with his story because the way he introduced new concepts and fields to the story, very impressive i must say. Hell's Fire you had emotion in your piece as well but i feel like you were more concentrated on flow in your lines than expresses emotion throughout your topic. -Flow

Imagery: this wasn't hard to pick, i would say Flow took this because he was very descriptive, the more adjectives you use the better, and it still infact depends on the way you word your sentence, emotion and imagery fell into place perfectly in Flow's piece. I can picture all that he had written and that's what you strive for in a topical battle. Flow

Structure:Flow>> the centered stanzas even lines for each portion... Flow

Vocabulary: I'd say Hell's Fire had better use of vocabulary. Hell's Fire

Creativity: Both i was feeling Flow's view point a lot, but Hell's Fire was just as interesting.. so nobody gets this one. Both

Overall: I say Flow took this by a more related-topic.. meaning he has a piece that more people can relate to and i was feeling his imagery more than anything else put forth in the battle.. it keeps readers interested and it never got off topic, i thought it was pretty close to flawless, i didn't expect either of you to do so well on this topic. Hell's Fire i was feeling the fact that you came with an uncommon viewpoint because i expected you to go "all-out" with your imagery but you didn't and i was expecting that since you picked something harder to relate to. I was feeling your flow as well as Flow Intel's.. i think both of you did pretty well for a championship battle. However, the winner of this battle would be Flow Intelligent. Good Luck to both competitors.

Vóâ€-ë = Flow Intelligent

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