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Old 10-17-03, 11:22 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

Life is like a game of chess
nothing more, nothing less
Mr pawn is making his move with finesse
trying to get by higher power is his quest.
A new white man gets appointed to power
while the blacks struggle by the hour
to get to the top of lifes tower.
he has snatched the briefcase
in the race to a neutrual place
strategically trying to leave no trace
moving stealthily with grace.
If he gets captured then off with his head he shall face.
No turning back for thats against the rules
but he is often mistaken for a fool.
Only moving Up, Not down
if he makes it to the top, he shall be crowned.
So in life you must choose to make the right moves
for mistakes are there for you to improve.
Aim for the top no matter how low you are
sky is the limit, only you can determine how far
you can go from reaching the stars
so choose your moves with care
for lifes pieces are out there to get you
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