Thread: Report A Mod
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Old 09-11-05, 01:21 AM   #75
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

I dont have a problem with you The Q. I wouldnt go out of my way to close your threads because of this "net beef" your talking about.
I admit I closed a couple of your threads,simply because there was no need for them and would create more things than you relise.

This thread for instance will create swaying and more net beef on rv. net beef is gay bro, Im sire your mature enough to know that.

This thread was leading to racial arguments Nostradamus was going to close it aswell,but left it open due to people deep into a debate, but when I came on late at night when no one else was online, I closed it to prevent anymore racial tension being created.

This thread was closed at the request of the person you made it about. He felt weird that you being a open homosexual made a thread about him being cute. He asked for it to be closed, with good reason. Even if he didnt ask i proberly still would of closed it. this thread was closed cause it 100% pointless, I wouldnt give a fuck if anyone made it, its a no content thread and should of been closed.

the other thread I moved and didnt close was a thread you made about me saying un rasional things that are not needed on RV. If I was abusing my mod spot, I would of closed it without hesitation,but no The Q. I moved it to beef thread were it belonged and let you have your pleasure of talking shit about me.

Yes The Q I have said some things about you in these threads you have made abotu me, But its the net.. You dont know me and I dont know you. I wouldnt take what you say/do personall therfore Id have no reason to get on rv and take some sort of pride ou tof searching for your threads and closing them.

You have been warned about mking pointless thread in LL. I let it slip a few times. I feel the situation is reverse. You are taking this to heart(hence all the threads made) and go out of YOUR way to make these pointless threads.

So in the end, I have no probelm with you,to me your simply a person who has a account on rv. But when it comes to you fillign LL up with pointless threads I WILL CONTINUE TO CLOSE THEM!.

Also that thread that you posted in the link. I closed that the second I seen it. I am not on 24/7 so I couldnt close it while I was not on.

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