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Old 10-13-04, 07:52 PM   #6
<<-Carpe Noctum->>
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The Eradicate Conception

A secret so sacred, i keep it to myself for a deeper purpose,
The day began, i awoke with a lie inside,was feeling nervous,
The dream i had the night before, felt too lucid and real,
Couldn't help but hear those words,too much for me to deal,
Over and over, the sullen voice rang in my head, and it said:
"One of your children is ill tempered and your life,cursed with dread",
I knew i had to keep the secret of my precious sons births,
Raising good and evil is my true calling, for what its now worth,
The twins would never be safe, if this hidden fact leaked out,
Inspite of my troubles, i vowed to keep Jesus and Lucifer safe,without doubt,

The Offering

My worries grew,for my maternal instinct lie strong, i had this awful feeling,
The wisemen had called me from my home, expecting to see me for a meeting,
'We call upon you Mary,to honor the children with gifts,of frankincense,mirrh,and gold"
"As to what do i deserve these precious gifts from you?wise ones,the kind act so bold"
"Such beautiful twins you have, may we hold?","why, of course you may",begrudgingly,
This one is Lucifer, he is my love and light,i said,they looked at one another in fright,
"Dear Mary,we must discuss the problem i see with him, on this gray, dark night",
"Oh, what so ever do you mean?",the wind howled as we looked upon one another,
"This boy has eyes as black as onyx,penetrating my soul,"he glanced at his brother,
"Lucifer,is just a baby,"a knot in my gut,knowing that they were catching on,
"No, he is much more, we fear there is no love in this child,no soul,he doesn't belong"
"Nonsense, i'm his mother, won't except this gibberish, its rubbish, please leave"
Knowing now that they percieved my secret as truth, i began to grieve,
"We must take him with us, for the fate of the world and its people depend",
"On the bannishment of your evil son, so good may prevail, and all darkness descend"
"I understand", weeping, i wrapped him in swaddling clothes, kissed him on the cheek,
"I promise to love you, no matter what you do and live for, what was and will be"

Through Good and Evil

Deep down i knew this decision was the best,for Jesus,humankind, as well as myself,
The thought of how this family came to be, startles me, but can now be laid to rest,
This life is full of miracles, good and bad, this world is merely balanced, a big test,
I am the mother of dualistic thought, two children teetering on the brink of perfection,
Without one another, they wouldn't survive, had to sacrifice for equilibrium resurrection
I am Mary, lost in this blessed environment, chosen to fulfill duties beyond me,
The one who gave birth a virgin, and my SECRET was never safe with ME.......................



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