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Old 05-20-10, 09:35 AM   #33
...i'm da nicest...
LaTiNKiTTeN's Avatar
Posts: 4,080
From: east coast

Originally Posted by JTR
And shit I only talk bout the ups on RV but never the downs. Most people don't know how I lived when my parents got divorced and I lived with my mom. My dad has money, my mom doesnt. He bought her a house since we were staying with her, but even with that and child support it was still hard for her to support herself and us while going back to college to study. I remember nights where she'd be up late on the computer and I'd be like "are you going to bed soon? Im going to bed, goodnight." I'd wake up in the morning and she'd still be working on her projects (my mom won the award in her class for being the top student). At the legal age to work a job (15 years old here) I stopped highschool for a year and a half and worked 5 days a week 2 shifts a day for 3 of those days in a kitchen so I could afford to buy myself my own clothes, my own meals etc etc so my mom wouldnt have to pay. I paid for a lot of things around the house and helped to support her and my sisters while they went to school.

Trust me when my sisters moved out when they were 18, my mom and I and my step-dad moved from rosemere into an apartment in the projects of saint-michel which is the slums of montreal known for its gang violence (wannabe crips and bloods) because my new highschool was closer and cuz she couldnt afford the house my dad bought her anymore and we didnt need such a big place since my two sisters moved out. That was hard living there for half a year but I got my head straight and graduated (from my 3rd highschool since the first 2 kicked me out) with 90's in every subject (cept french) and was able to go into a private college (after working for a year again).

I've lived with money and i've lived without it im business smart and street smart and I wouldnt have it any other way man

sounds hard core ill never step foot there lmao

p.s. quebec has like the lowest crime rate in canada per capita
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