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Old 05-15-09, 02:37 AM   #53
It's The Bay Area! Playa!
Posts: 149
From: Vallejo, CA

i spit rap immaculate and i actively plan
stackin tracks let the bass slap like the back of my hand
I'm not bangin, slangin, killin or fighting, got no ice
I'm pinoy I try spit fire, but i just spit rice
I rap with the flow... go wherever it takes me
rhymin words is what i do and it never forsakes me
I'll take on all challengers with a big grin
i'm not scared to lose cuz it's just a path to a win
I'm positive like forgiveness... <that to a sin
laughin within, had to begin, glad to the end
it's sad that rapverse is deserted
i got hope for when the sites name is reworded
Hurtin like merkin ourselves it seems long gone
but remove the hearst cuz rapverse WILL live on...

I hope...
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