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Old 02-03-04, 12:33 PM   #13
Posts: 151
From: Dallas, TX

you rhymes is elementary like quotes from sherlock holmes.
what a dawg doin rappin. should be somewhere slobbin on bones.
come on now c-dawg-lady you tell me you must be ugly.
mistook for a monkey when you folks pushed you round in a buggie.
how you get that monkey in them clothes a teach it to walk.
got passerbys havin wrecks. tryin to catch grown gorillas talk.
i would gone in punch but i aint got the strength to fight primates.
just throw you a bananna packed inside with razor blades.
swallow that main. so they cut your insides up like box cutters.
knowin yo life is now ending. you get sad your heart flutters.
i'll be convicted of cruelty to animals by the a-s-p-c-a
the judge will say in court don't treat animals that way.