Thread: God told me...
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Old 02-08-07, 03:44 PM   #17
= )
Posts: 1,304
From: New York

See, god see's what is in your heart, if he saw your intent was out of selfishness and not for reasons which cant be deemed good because good does not result in reward in the kingdom of our Lord, but if he see's you're faithful, you manage your money well, you tithe 10% out of every pay check than just believe you have recieved and you will.

Man, at 13 i got sent to a group home for 3 months, i got into 2 fights and went "AWOL" for 5 hrs, i was suppose to be extended for long term placement, but i was believing that i was getting out of there no matter what and i was praying and recieving my "freedom" everyday, when it came time to go to court after 3 months they had a list of things against me to make me stay but with my strong hearted faith i brought all my belongings which i shouldnt have but i refused to not bring since id have to go back and get them, i was blessed and sent home.

Thats amazing to me, the lil fuck up i was back then, and the Lord did that for me, but i've gone 360, im straight edge with the exception of the smoking bud, but im trying to work on that to.. i
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