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Old 11-23-05, 06:30 AM   #14
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by Apexx
He didn't show up. I did. If you don't like it, cry about the formatting of the boards battle system. Dude was a prick to me since the first time I told him his audio wasn't that great which was one of the instances of REAL feedback that got he REAL feedbakc you see in there now, so why would I be like "sure, you can have more time, you got it!" - NOBODY does that to someone that acts to them like Q ALWAYS has been to acting with me. But once again, you'll fool the dim ones. Don't worry. They believe you. But I noticed you "conveniently" forgot to link to me where I ever asked for any more time ever. What a coincidence.

oh man my biggest fear in the world has finally come true. Some how...responding at all to a post full of hot steaming bullshit, will somehow magically expose me for my supposed true self. Guess that sucks for me : \

When you're done trying to look like you're actually smart, you'll then realize that you're a horrible pops - a fact you're trying your hardest not to come to terms with. C'mon son, you and I both know your kid was an accident. You ruined your life, your girls life, AND his life all in one day, and all because you were too damn dumb to keep your dick in your pants. Who has a son with time under his belt and he's only 18 - AND out of wedlock? Yeah...real bright future your kid's got when his dad's dickin around on the net, rather than spending time with his son. You can't even afford some cheap bullshit to fix your own raggedy ass hand-me-down computer. Matter fact, lol, you're at your job's shit right now - which is also where you record your tracks when no one's around. You're fuckin piss broke kid - and I do mean KID. How great of a job could you possibly have, if you can sneak fuckin recording at it, lol. How great of a job could you have when you're barely old enough to have a fulltime job - IF your position is full time, which I doubt seeing as the time your son was born could cockblock a person from finishing school. Get the hell outta here man, lol. You're still trying to learn shit and grow up for your damn self, you really think you can raise a kid? YOU?! You obviously didn't use protection, so you can't be nearly as smart as you want people to believe you are. I wouldn't be surprised if you and her lived shacked up and tucked away in the basement or attic somewhere of a family member willing to hold your charity case ass. Yeah...what a supportive dad you are. Parents like your self is what's wrong with the world.[/samething your parents musta said when they found out the mistake you made]

That's character a observation, not "disses". Disses would be the dart-board texture you call a face, or this girlfriend you're aparantly so embarassed of that no one's ever seen her, lmao, or that greasy birdsnest you call hair, or your meth-addict dark circles under your eyes, accompanied by your meth-addict variety of zits and acne lol. And who knows WHAT your teeth look like, but I'd put money on it that "straight" and "white" aren't adjectives I'd use to describe em. Shit, your son (lucky for him!) didn't even look JACK SHIT like you in those pictures, lol, but maybe I couldnt' see the resembelance under all those fuckin zits on your face that make your head look liek a frog's ass. These would be disses.

Mad Dog, you're no where near on a level to have a debate with me. Stick to the middle school arguing tactice about something you can't change, and when you're done with that, realise that you should spend less time thinking about me and more time thinking about your future that's oozing down the toilet.'s amazing to see someone out post <)-(> hold on i'll read this properly...A) i'm giving my son everything he needs the fact i ain't a millionaire with a mansion don't justify the fact for you to call me a bad pops...i got enough money to get by...just like 2/3's of the nation here &'s called getting by...shit i'm in a better situation NOW than 2 years ago and my parents struggled harder and i still grew up appreciating them better JUST for being there when i needed on the other hand...because you go off a few IM's saying i'm assume i never have boy has EVERYTHING loving family...clothes on his back a full fridge to feed him and shit he needs to keep him entertained...fuck the boys spoilt...happy now... many pregnancies AREN'T accidents...fuck you're acting like i'm the only one in the world to get a girl pregnant by accident...but when i look it happened but fuck boys the best thing that's ever happened to me...

3rd...i spend time wit my boy outside of the net...this place isn't my domain 24/7...yet again a desperate dooms attempt of life is better with my boy in it i've actually done more in the 17 months of his life than in the 17 previous years before fuck you acting like you think you know a lot of people have kids outta wedlock this ain't the 30's...please...who the hell do you think you are...

4th...home & work coms my only places wit cool edit...yet again i don't need to blab about my financial home computers gettin fixed...and there's more important shit to worry about than a £500's called prioritising...i have a child i'd rather have the money to make sure he's aight than do something selfish like buy myself a computer to come here...hmm does that need explaining? aight...after 3pm i'm the only one in the office work it out

6th...i left school after my GCSE' far you go in school seeing as ya 'drug dealing' pshh...nice girl was on the pill so protection was used (again dooms not knowing the situation) but she had a harmorage and the pills she was on cancelled the pill we were but unaware her medication would effect her contraception...i now got a 2 bedroom flat in a nice area of um now basements and attics dooms lol...i got my again you're dicking around...and my parents were damn supportive so you need to back down on you're apparant knowledge of me...

italic = your attempt to justify your post judging my parenting skills which aren't flawed....judging my life your psych 101 session carried more faults in it than anything i've witnessed...

fact is you don't know me...but i'm going off what i know about you...and that pisses you go pissed coz i've made you look stupid here...and it's obviously done it's job coz damn you look annoyed...dissin my parenting skills...when you've never even seen've never seen my've never spoke to my've only seen what i've let you see...which is my raps...and small details of my private life...and you seem to have blown them up to make yourself look better in a situation where you aren't the one in the right...

character observation eh?...pshh...look like disses to me...keep coming with them dooms...they are REALLY getting desperate now...

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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