Thread: All Newbs Read!
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Old 02-14-04, 02:56 AM   #1
13th Disciple
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Posts: 2,650
All Newbs Read!


okay...i just got done readin some shit in frontlines cuz i was bored,
and i haven't been in frontlines for months. The shit i see in there
is ridiculous so i'm gonna give u all some pointers. I know we have
Wackness Emergency center, but that isn't kept up to date. So its
up to yall whether to listen or not.

First Off:


with structure theres various styles to choose from in the field of
being elite and advanced writing. So i will show u the up-to-date
versions and the version thats still effective. I will also show u
what not to use.

structure should not be used:

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah/
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah/

not end a line with a /

blah blah multi blah multi blah multi blah
blah~multi~multi~blah~blah blah blah multi~extended blah

there is a such thing of too much multies in text. u can use
those in audio but using them in text is not only considered gay
but loses power for the punch. also, do not extend the lines

structure that is considerable to use

read some of the battles from battlers such as Evolve, Baron,
Trapt Wit, G.Hod, etc...

this will show u different styles of structure to use effectively.

for example:

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah setup
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah punch
(next word in this line here should rhyme off of the last word
used in the punch)

thats a common structure thats still effective

another example:

blah blah blah...blah blah blah..blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah...
...blah blah blah

[b] okay..this is just an example that shouldn't be used my newbs
right off back..this style is when u elevate so u don't mess it up.
notice the .... but u don't want to use too many of those fillers.
also notice the change up...though u see three lines...its actually
the setup and the punch. the ... in the second line end with ... and
in the third line begin with ... making it one line. just don't focus
on this too much.

okay...thats it for right now. This is on structure. maybe another
time i will post something on punches and setups and wordplay,
which u all have to learn big time. just use this to help u out and
helping u elevate. hope it helped.


Blessed wit Skillz
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