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Old 10-29-05, 03:40 PM   #2
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,124

i think the topics shud be less specific
for example, this weeks topics wud be better as...
bussiness card for dj manipulation>>>>>business card
mixtape cover called "spin it till it warps">>>>>mixtape cover
logo for company called "locked security">>>>>company logo

jus 2 give the artists more space for creativity

Making stuff from scratch is only a part of doing graphics. Sometimes you are given specific details and how creative you can be with specifications shows how good you truly are. I mean, you can't do whatever if you are being paid money. You have to do what they want, or else you don't get paid. Sometimes there will be specifications, sometimes there won't. Depends on if I think the people are ready.
-The R.

jea i hear u
ur right, if u doin a real job u aint gonna be able to choose shit like that