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Old 02-26-06, 12:06 PM   #1
HAHAHAHAH!..i onno
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The "IT" Factor

IP: 8812 FFDC

Alright, so, the "It Factor" is back in action! I have decided to go back and add onto this tutorial, alongside fixing it up! Enjoy.

The "IT" Factors

There has been quite a high demand on adding that "Finishing Touch" on Signatures. There have been requests, and many sigs I see here are missing just that. One of which was not written by me, but by a fellow that goes by the name of blackfuse.

This was made by Blackfuse, the effect is commonly used in professional leveled signatures.

ºThe Touchº

When you saved an image as a .PNG or whatever, open it up. Go to Filter -> Blur -> Guassian Blur. Set it anywhere from 3.0 to 5.0. Next, go to Edit -> Fade Guassian Blur. When ur there, set it to Overlay or Soft Light, (Overlay recomended) and chance opacity to whatever you wish. I keep it anywhere below 60, anywhere higher than 20.

Now, here are some more techniques to give your signature just that final touch.


When in the PSD, (can be done in png, gif, jpeg, or whicever) go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Curves. From hereon, theres no real tutorial. Play with the setting untill you get something you like. You can get some very nice effects.

ºColor Balanceº

Alongside to the Curves, you may also want to do the following:
Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Color Balance. To 90% of my sigs, I add some red/yellow to them. Just check it out, its pretty usefull, in any sigs. The yellow/red contribute to the signature alot, any color, green, blue, etc.


Also, and the most important one, the Brightness/Contrast.
Ever had the pros tell you "That sig needs contrast" or "That sig needs more depth"..or even "That sig is too monotone"? Well, along with the other suggestions, I shall impose another...Its as simple as saying the first 3 letters of the alphabet. Anyways, Go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Brightness/Contrast. Move the brightness up anywhere from 10 to 19 is prefered. Along with that, move the Contrast anywhere from 9 to 17.

ºTouch-Up Brushingº

Create a New Layer above all the others. Set layer mode to Overlay, opacity at around 60. (your preference..) Start brushing with any brush you would like (Preferably a somewhat-feathered one) over whatever you like. Text, render, around the render, etc. It will add a really great effect, that I pretty much learned myself.

ºChannel Mixerº

Channel Mixer can be found when you go to Image -> Adjustments -> Channel Mixer. This can really change the colors and add much contrast and vibrancy to the colors of your signature. You usually don't want to make it a monotone colored sig do you? You want different varieties of colors to spice up the signature! It is highly recomended to use Channel Mixer when the signature is comming into completion, just like the other techniques in this tutorial. Go to Image -> Apply Image[/i. Hit "Ok". Now go to [i]Image Adjustments -> Channel Mixer This is the part where you experiment and play around with the settings to keep it how you like it. You DO NOT want to have it one slider all the way to the left or right, just have then halfway or less then half way (prefered). You can change the effects by clicking where it says red, and you can choose green or blue. Blue and red usually work best, or give off the best results. You can see a huge difference now in your signatures. It definatly livens it up more.


From this:

To this:

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Old 02-26-06, 12:55 PM   #2
HAHAHAHAH!..i onno
Lay-z's Avatar
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IP: 4013 F614

post up you what you get after trying this.

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