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Old 10-25-06, 08:18 AM   #1
The Saviour
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Interview with Erel Avent

IP: DD7B 9A68

KempoMRK: Sup Erel AVENT! How's things?

Erel Avent: Good, just gettin ready to slap DaTrusHurts around

KempoMRK: word. you confident that you're gonna win that battle then?

Erel Avent: its a matter of me being motivated. passed couple weeks i look at my competition and say fuck it and im bored with the theory of writing against them, even thou this kid claims he beat me. he didnt beat me. i got DQ'd for not voting...lol

Erel Avent: so to answer your question, yea im positive.

KempoMRK: cool. You must have faced him before in the LBL then? What went down?

Erel Avent: Yea it was like 4 weeks ago I think? The votes was tied and I didnt post my links and you DQ'd me. Thats the ONLY reason he is where he is now, just imagine. If I would of posted links he would fell in ranks and never got this far. He should be THANKING me for him winning the title. With his monkey ass.

KempoMRK: lmao. You don't like dude then?

Erel Avent: I dont beef over the net. Althou when you claim you've beaten me which in my countless years of text battlin only a few amount have done... its a problem. I consider your a bitch from then on out. He's a herb.

KempoMRK: word. What do you think of your time so far in the LBL?

Erel Avent: Its cool. I personally think I got yanked on the Butler battle but I didnt complain about it because for 1. Its the internet. & for 2. I expected it to happen. Other than thats its been smooth sailing. Even thou I think I should only have 2 loses on my record we wont go further into that. Mr. Kempo. The competition is good.. I personally think its the best league on the net as far as competition / honesty / battles is concerned.

KempoMRK: no doubt. So tell us a bit about yourself. Cos I know fuck all about you cept your probable alias.

Erel Avent: Probable alias? Which you think is?

KempoMRK: Aeon

Erel Avent: To answer or not to answer. Hmm, lol. I figure I might as well come out with it. Yea, Aeon is my alias. I use to run the Hype Battle league but the site fell to shit so I put it on time out and thats where it remains. Still closed down. Other than that, as far as my text battling past...

Erel Avent: 4x Champion on FD. UA WDA2 Tourny Semi-Finalist. UP March Madness Invite Semi-Finalist. 6x Hype Champion. 4x RnR Champion. 3x RapCityz Champion. 5x RN Champion. countless other tournies & leagues also. I've been online battling since I was about 14. Im 21 now so you do the math. I think my whole time online I've lossed about 20 battles. I've ran thru damn near anyone worth battling online minus Fracture, Aloe Vera, & John Hens. Those three I havent battled yet. All the other heads like Shadow, MetaSin, Toil, Jay Krupp, Phear, Stamina, Main Event, etc... I've battled and either won, tied, or barely loss to.

KempoMRK: What other names have you gone under in the past?

Erel Avent: omg lol. wow.

Erel Avent: Im the King of Alias. lets see...

Erel Avent: Aeon, Miles, Sincere Passion, Unregistered User, Danny Glover, Barney Rubble, Infinite Flow, Poizen Ink, Rhode, KingHorrible, Kid Methodz, Father Nature, Leaf, Magnum PI, Alwordz Write, T0p NotcH, Gzus.... who else knows?

KempoMRK: lol goddamn. What did you go under for the majority of the time? Like when you beat people like Toil, Phear and Metasin

Erel Avent: Rhode. go to rhymenreason. The whole site use to be from rapbattles.com when Shadow owned the site. Now they are a bunch of fluff cakes who dont battle just write homosexual open mics & ride each others nuts. But back in the day they use to be the BEST battles online. Names like... Phear, Jay Krupp, Abolish, J-Mutt, Father Flow, Ias, Listen, ....I've beat every single person on that site & lost to one person who I believe is Author War..or some shit, who i turned around & beat twice. None the less.... I went under the name Rhode. Same name I was ranked the bottom seed in the March Madness Invite over on Urban Prowlers and whipped SoulStices ass. He was ranked #1 & was spose to be godly or some shit. Hmm, who knows lol.

KempoMRK: word I'm just reading that battle now

KempoMRK: http://www.rhymenreason.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=10306

KempoMRK: Give me some info on Rhyme N Reason. Cos I heard something like all the dope heads united and created one supersite? But then it got inactive 'n stuff. So yeah, give me a bit of info on that.

Erel Avent: Oh, it WAS the supersite. All the dopest heads went there. The league was fuckin GODLY. I think at one point in time that site had the top 25 battles online hands down in the league. Majority of them from the "RnR Family" in which I use to be a part of til they switched to nut hugging. Then they all got like attacked by Atmosphere music or some shit & turned buttercup. So now its like a coffee shopp over there.

KempoMRK: lol yeah, it's inactive as fuck from when I've peeped it. What was the best battle you had there?

Erel Avent: i have no idea. no one really challenged me there besides Author War. me & him had the biggest rivalry. He was the only one who could come close to beating me & majority of the time like i still do. I wrote verses the night the shits was due. So id say it would have to be a battle with AW.

KempoMRK: Tell me about FD, UA, RapCityz and RN. as I've only heard of RapCityz, I have no clue about the others.

Erel Avent: What? lol. Rapcityz is how I made my way to 411Hype I ran that site back when Lyrics, DeathToll, Rhymez, etc was on it. I came across Rapcityz when I left RB for awhile. FD is FlowDoctors. I dont know how you havent heard of that. It just died like a year & a half ago I think but its been on its way down. It still might be up but its not the rea lone. FlowDoctors was a huge fucking site. One of the first sites that had audios poppin for real. Very ncie battle league & they also had the first Alliance / real crew I ever seen online which I happen to be a part of which was called... Blak Listed. Nothin but godly battles / audio heads / poets / OM's. UA....that site died. It was Urban Authentics which is where Metasin, Knucklehead, and a few others came from. They hosted the yearly WDA invite which was a invite tournament that consisted of the top battles from all sites. It stood for World Domination ...some shit or another. RN is, was, and forever will be gay. I ran into the site from a kid I use to convo with on RB. His name was gifted. But Rap Network sucks, it was a site full of dickhugers.

KempoMRK: Cool. Tell us some stuff about your times at Urban Prowlers

Erel Avent: Blah. I didnt stick to Urban Prowlers like that to much. I only go to sites that are heavy in the battle circuit. Even thou its not really known except for on RnR & 411Hype but my open mics are dope but Im more of a battler. So I was only on UP for the March Madness & a couple weeks in the PBA. I didnt like the PBA schedule thou so I bounced.

KempoMRK: Were u in that as Rhode?

Erel Avent: i think .. Elf?...Elf or Rhode. lol.

KempoMRK: elf? lmao. How did you start battling?

KempoMRK: And where?

Erel Avent: wow. I started text battling before I even started writing .. which was years before my album was in the works..which was years before now lol. I think I was bored online one day searchin for mmpog's and came across a site called TheRefugee.cjb.net ......ended up clickin on the link and was completely lost & confused as that was the first forum I've ever seen. Zoomed around read some verses & thought they were corny. I told some kid named Powder his "jokes" sucked. He tryed to herb me tellin me they are called "punches" I told him they were more like "bitch-slaps" and he said lets battle. We did. I won.... beat like 10 other kids off that site never loss and ended up migrating to RB when it merged with TRG

KempoMRK: nice. Who would you rate as the top 10 of text EVER?

Erel Avent: ever, as in the people at their prime?

KempoMRK: yeah.

Erel Avent: god um...

Erel Avent: 1. Jay Krupp..... 2. XxL .........3. Menestylez ........4. Cane .......5. J Hens...... 6. Main Event......... 7. Fracture 8. Such-n-Such....... 9. P-Nut ....... 10. Myself .... no order thou, at all.

KempoMRK: Who out of those have you battled?

Erel Avent: Krupp, Ive beat twice. Menestylez. We tied. P-Nut Ive beat & lost to. Same with Cane I've beat & lost to. ...and Myself I've beat & lost to. Seriously.

KempoMRK: are you saying Myself as in a battler called Myself? Or Myself as in yourself literally lol

Erel Avent: myself literally. Under my Aeon name I was 27-3 (three no shows) and I ended up battling myself in a HW Title Match under my other name which was 10-0.

KempoMRK: lmao. Where was this at? And who won :-P

Erel Avent: It was at Hype. Well the thing is I tryed on both names, just used different styles & my Aeon name was more well known so I think thats why I won on that name.

KempoMRK: ah I see. Do you believe that names win battles a lot of the time?

Erel Avent: depends on the site really & the moderators. Moderators dont understand how much power they have in killing Dickriders. Having your alias "exposed" helps some what. Just like the only thing thats gonna save DaTrusHurtz this week is that punk ass undefeated record. Damn sure wont be his verse.

KempoMRK: By killing dickriders, do you mean by exposing them?

Erel Avent: Yea to a certain extent like say. EmceeSugarHillGang .vs. Butler ... in this perticular battle Butler had ONE dope line & a couple alright ones .. the rest was ashy as black folks ankles... and EmceeSugarHillGang came in with flames. Fools started claiming "it was a close battle" but had Butler edgin it out due to the ONE DOPE line being the line of the battle....when its clear he lost. After the battle ends in the magazine you point that shit out. Even if YOU dont battle in the league, you have more power & sway than the champ of the league cause you RUN shit.

KempoMRK: EmceeSugarHillGang = Erel Avent, right? :-P

KempoMRK: but word, I get ya

KempoMRK: You've been accused of biting on a few occasions, what do you say to that?

Erel Avent: EmceeSugarHillGang = not me. Butler beat me, thats that. Im not sayin shit about it ... I dont think he was dickriden in the battle at all..just to clear that up.

Erel Avent: as far as the biting accusations. it happened on Hype when I had another name in the HW title match against myself (ive done it three times) but didnt feel like writing & this other name was gaining alot of "fame" and i didnt wanna uphold it so I bite Lord Omni Sicc THEN linked LOS to the battle on AIM...he then pointed it out & had the name banned. Vex did a IP search and it came back as MINE..so I was accused of biting...but the thing is I bite against myself, then told on myself.

KempoMRK: I see. What about when you got accused of biting Fracture? You got accused in the tag tourney.

Erel Avent: ROFLMAO. they werent bites. they were flips of old concepts. which everyone single battler does. them idiots went digging and found a couple fracture battles & put a knickle inside a quarter sized whole & called it magic.

KempoMRK: Aight, they were fucking close though

KempoMRK: How did the Erel Avent name come about? Like how the fuck did you think it up.

Erel Avent: haha. Ive always had a thing for word play. For example I'ma make Da's wordplay...on a whole different block as mine this week...but none the less.. ive always had funky names... shit back on Hype people would send me PM's to think them up names. But I came up with it... when I was on 411Hype .. i said to myself alright I havent battled in over a year... ima come back but I dont want the fame from the Aeon name I want someone who is irrelavent and I wanna see how far I can take em... then i just said fuck it and wrote.. Erel Avent

KempoMRK: lol tight. What did you think of your run, when you went like 9-0 in the HBL?

Erel Avent: wasnt shit. only people in the HBL worth battling was my boy George who went by...Realism, Attack of the Muff....and homeboy um... Pai.... no one else really moved me...

KempoMRK: George?

Erel Avent: yea, lol. Thats Realism's gov. name

KempoMRK: Ah I see, yeah he's tight. What happened to him? He's disappeared.

Erel Avent: No, he hasnt. He is focused on gettin paid right now & he is in school. Hype was gay, plus he got bored of text. It gets to a point that you can write a verse & you know you'll win......when you get to that point .. is when you start waiting til the last date to write and/or not showing up... which then turns into a thought of... why even keep going?... which turns into giving it up...

Erel Avent: so basically..he is focusedo n college, money, and his gurl... which im not hatin on... me and him stay in contact.... thats my peoples nah mean... i support what he is doin let him do him. life > internet battles.

Erel Avent: just like when my girl pops this baby out.. ima disappear from RV for awhile til shits stable..

KempoMRK: No doubt. On that note, what motivates you to carry on battling? And congratulations on your child, will it be your first?

Erel Avent: Thanks, yea it will be my first. As far as keeping me battling... I dont look at myself as a battler no more, I look at myself as a mentor of battling. I spend the couple free hours Im bored at home online battling. Majority of my time is spent in the studio doing my album & what not. I figure if I can further someone elses understanding .. appreciation of hiphop online then Ima do it. Plus I stick around because its a hobby. Ive been doin it for 6 goin on 7 years now... so I stick around. Im sure once this child comes its gonna shut the net down on me for good. Which wouldnt be a problem ya know. So lucky you, you got me possibly in my last run at online battling lol.

KempoMRK: lol word. Tell me about your album and stuff. Drop in the cheap advertisement for it if ya want :-P

Erel Avent: Oh the albums comin out Spring 2007. Was spose to drop this upcoming winter but I pushed it back for serveral good reasons. Im actually speakin with WhooKid right now about some shit. My brother is talkin to Wallz who fucks with Dre on a regular basis... I got alot of dope ass beats that any artist would be pissed off if they got used up wack like so Im takin my time. The albums called "Walk Backwardz"... its more of a ..if this is the only album I get to push .. this is me type album then a club banger...bang bang bang type of joint. My style is closer to Joe Buddens then anything, so of course Im not on no asope rock shit ... or atmosphere talkin bout dead birds flyin thru a broken sky & shit. Majority of my production is in-house... but its hot. I got a couple tracks from some big names but I aint braggin bout it online. I got a myspace up for it also but again...i aint braggin bout shit .. let it do what it do by its self. thus me not droppin the link.

KempoMRK: Sounds real dope. But dude, drop the link lol.

Erel Avent: http://www.myspace.com/idontfuckint...titonthelow.com

KempoMRK: lmaooo aight man. How long you been doing audio?

Erel Avent: shit, about. since i wasnt 19?....my brother has been flowin since he was 8 and the nigga is sick. so he was doin it before...for years on top of years he would be pissed cause id be online battlin but wouldnt write songs. rap wasnt really important to me. I use to play high school ball I had a full ride down to ASU i fucked up. So rap wasnt big, but after i fucked up my hoops & shit i was laid back & finally started writing. But when my brother would go out on the block flowin, to the shows, studios, and shit he kept me around for niggas who like to battle.. he didnt do that battle punchline shit .. so he kept me around. Niggas start thinkin they hot with metaphors & punchlines my brother would look at em and say....

Erel Avent: SO!...thus where my rap name came from...SO....S Dot O...Status One... shortened up to Stat....S.till T.alkin A.ll T.hat U.sual S.hit...yah mean?

Erel Avent: niggas get cocky he put me on em, and it took off from there..started gettin alot of popularity round here... and shit and one thing lead to another, doin shows... droppin my album... full steam ahead.

KempoMRK: Dooooope. Aight, one final set of questions. What active battlers do you feel are the most talented today? And lastly, what active battlers do you feel have the most potential today?

Erel Avent: oh wow. I dont peep any site except RV now a days. Personally I think J Hens is gonna be running shit for awhile IF he is a younger head.... ClasSik I dont know how old he is.... Tavarez....R Glocks..Brock...Phryme...Spul...pfft...i cant really answer that question... all I know is J Hens is gonna run the net .. depending on how long he sticks around...

Erel Avent: he should take it ..switch to audio & run with it after he gets bored with text thou.

KempoMRK: yeah, he's been around for quite a while I think. Since like '01 or something, but yeah he's dope no doubt. definitely, most people do that.

Erel Avent: Yea, now once I have this kid and shit. Its gonna be clear Ima be drained & shit..so I wont be battling..but Erel Avent for Mod sounds really fuckin hood right now...doesnt it?... lol....

KempoMRK: lol aye

KempoMRK: that's all I've gotta say man, thanks for the dope dope dooooope interview, good luck with your album and your kid. peace man

Erel Avent: Word appreciate it..one more thing...Niggas need to realize aint no one gettin any money off this....we do this shit cause we love hiphop..so stop actin like bitches...keep it real..im out bro, catch you on the rebound.

KempoMRK: yeah definitely. peace.
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