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Old 06-12-06, 04:59 AM   #1
I have a lot to learn...
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Interesting conversation with a Pastor/Priest.

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I think it was on Friday last week, the school where I work at got a local Pastor to come and give an hour and twenty minute long presentation to the senior students (10, 11, 12) on the book-turned-movie "The Da Vinci Code" and why it shouldn't be taken seriously. Considering the amount of free time I have at work, they put me as a supervisor as well as any other staff that were free.

It was interesting to say the least. I tried to approach his presentation from a completely unbiased standpoint, not a Christian, but not sure about the Da Vinci Code theory either. It didnt help that he was completely biased towards the church.

A lot of his argument was about how the Da Vinci Code was a "grade C novel" and an OK airport novel (meaning you buy it at the airport and read it on one plane trip). Immediately you can see the bias, with him putting down an excellently written book that sold 40 million copies worldwide. Considering its outstanding if a book sells even 10,000 copies, 40 million is totally unheard of.

Another one of his arguments was how easy it is to make up conspiracy theories. He demonstrated this by talking a lot of bull about Dan Brown, and about how he hates all religions and is out to destroy them, then saying that dan brown in another language means killer of belief or something. Then after that he said "True or not? Of course its not true, I just made all of that up. So you see how easy it would have been for Dan Brown to fabricate the Da Vinci Code?" A dismally bad point, with about a million holes.

Another of his cases was that even if Jesus DID get married and have a child, what difference would it make to christianity? Its perfectly normal for a man to get married and have children, and Jesus was a man, he said. Conveniently forgetting to mention the fact that Mary Magdeline was a prostitute before she (supposedly) married Jesus.

Anyway, after his presentation there was a chance for students to ask him questions. Among them was "Will Dan Brown go to hell?" and "If the Da Vinci Code was such a bad book, why did it sell 40 million copies?" which he answered quite well, there was one question about how he formed his opinion on the topic. His answer was "I base my opinion on the facts that have been written in the scriptures, because really, everyone except Jesus isnt very wise. Mohammed was no wiser than me, the pope is no wiser than me, and Buddha is no wiser than me, we're all in the same boat here, and you have to trust the scriptures."

I thought what he said there was a bit out of line, so after the thing was finished I went to talk to him, he was free for about 40 mins anyway cos he still had to give a presentation to the Junior kids after lunch. After the general introductions and small talk, the conversation went something like this:

(I'll be T, and he will be P)

T: So what did you mean when you said you dont consider any other religious icons any wiser than you are?

P: Well, their teachings are a bit far fetched, and Jesus words come from a historical document. I think they were out of line acting as religious icons in the first place.

T: So you're saying Mohammed and Buddha aren't wise?

P: I guess you could say that.

T: Have you read the bible?

P: *laugh* of course.

T: Have you read the Quaran or the Sutras?

P: I have seen a little of the Quaran.

T: So you aren't aware of the teachings of Buddha and Mohammed?

P: I know them vaguely, and from what I saw they were ridiculous.

T: Do you have a bible with you?

P: Yes, theres one in my bag.

T: Open it up and read Matthew 6. I need to get something i'll be back in a sec...

(I went to get a copy of the Sutras that was in my desk drawer)

T: Did you read it?

P: Yeah, I have read it before. It's a good example of how wise Jesus is.

For those of you that havent read it, heres an excerpt from Matthew 6 -

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?' All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

(I then showed him chapters 4 and 21 of the Dhammapada, which both say basically the same thing but in different words with different analogies.)

T: See the resemblance?

P: (reading and flicking through Dhammapada)

T: If the buddha wasnt wise and he was saying the same thing as Jesus, does that mean Jesus wasnt wise, or the Buddha was as wise as Jesus?

P: Well thats only one passage, you cant really gauge anything from that.

T: But theres a lot of similarities, not just this one, between the teachings of Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus.

P: Yes, but the bible is a historical document. (starts putting his computer into his bag, and packing his things up.)

P: Well it was nice chatting with you, I should go and get something to eat before I have to talk for another hour.

T: OK. Well see you later.

P: Bye.


This is the kind of closed minded christian that I dont understand. I guess I should work on listening to the bible a bit more lol:

"Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and turn and tear you to pieces.

I'm completely ready for all the "too long 2 read but yeah i saw a priest 1nce" replies. -_-. I doubt anyone will read my long ass post.
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Old 06-12-06, 09:33 AM   #2
La Cosa Nostra
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Yep.. Complete idiot...

I have absolutly no respect for people like that...
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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Old 06-12-06, 09:37 AM   #3
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Tero...I perused that. I didn't read it thoroughly. But, what a coincidence that I had a similar conversation with Enygma yesterday on the Da Vinci Code.

1st, why do you insist on showing bigotry by saying, "Closed-minded CHRISTIAN?" Isn't that the equivalent of saying, "One of those Unemployed BLACKS." No. The person you talked to was closed minded, and just happened to be a christian, inasmuchas the person in my analogy is unemployed, and HAPPENS to be black.

2nd...Any bible understanding/believing Christian knows the accounts recorded in the bible. Books like the Da Vinci code were written for profit. It's based on documents that were not corroborated, nor verified as authentic accounts of Jesus' life or ministry. Example...The gospel of "Phillip" much of the accusations of Jesus' marriage to Mary Magdalene were based on wasn't included in the original canon. Why? It's because it's not true! Furthermore, Dan Brown's so-called factual documents are nothing more than elucubrations and should be questioned even more than the bible for their authenticity.

You have to realize something. The bible not only speaks of history, but spiritual matters. People who are not spiritually minded won't understand, CAN'T understand spiritual things. That's why people think certain points in the bible are "foolish." In truth, man's wisdom is foolishness to God. Human Secularism, Legalism, New Age Philosophies, and other vain doctrines serve to do one thing according to the bible, and that's blind mankind to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's what we believe.

I'm not sure what you seek to prove by showing coincidences in philosophies between the bible and other text, but it doesn't take away from the overlying theme of the New Testament: Jesus is Lord.

No other religion says that Jesus is the only way to God. The bible says that in John 14:6, and again in Acts 4.

If you want to know if someone is truly a Christian or not, if they have truly accepted the call of faith and are saved by Jesus, ask them who Jesus was. Listen to their answer. Many false prophets have gone out for the sake of perverting the truth of the Gospel. And, yes, we aren't to give that which is holy to the dogs. They can't understand spiritual matters because the god of this world (Satan) has blinded them. 2 Corinthians 4:4. The bible tells us in 1 Peter 4 to "try the spirits" to see whether they are of God. Anyone who says, "Jesus was just a good man" or "Jesus isn't a God" or "Jesus isn't the Christ" is of the spirit of anti-Christ and operating under a demonic spirit of error.

Here's my challenge to you. If you choose to not accept the call of Jesus the Christ to surrender your life to him, then fine. But, why continue to dibble and dabble in God's word? Leave it alone. Be bold one way or the other. Either stand up for the truth of the gospel or shut up about it.

Dan Brown is a creation. Jesus is the power by which EVERYTHING was created. That's found in Colossians chapter 1. Dan Brown will have to answer to God for "killing" some people's faith. Paul the apostle literally killed Christians and had to answer to God for it. Dan Brown is figuratively doing so and will face God the same.

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Old 06-12-06, 09:42 AM   #4
La Cosa Nostra
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
1st, why do you insist on showing bigotry by saying, "Closed-minded CHRISTIAN?"

Ok I'm not reading the bullshit your blabbering on about.

But heres the thing.

This guy sits there, and calls some of the greatest philosophers who ever lived rediculous and scorns some of the biggest religions in the world having only "flicked through a bit of the quran".. He acts like anything the bible says is 100% ultimate unfaltering factual perfection and anything other people say is garbage...

The guy is obviously a fucking twot.. And anybody in this thread who sticks up for him is as much a dim whitted loony peice of shit scum of the earth mother fucker as he is.

I hope he burns in his hell for all eternity.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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Old 06-12-06, 11:05 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Tero...I perused that. I didn't read it thoroughly. But, what a coincidence that I had a similar conversation with Enygma yesterday on the Da Vinci Code.

1st, why do you insist on showing bigotry by saying, "Closed-minded CHRISTIAN?" Isn't that the equivalent of saying, "One of those Unemployed BLACKS." No. The person you talked to was closed minded, and just happened to be a christian, inasmuchas the person in my analogy is unemployed, and HAPPENS to be black.

I didn't mean to generalize, sorry for poor choice of words. But there is a particular type of "christian" (if they can even be considered that), that seems naive in a way for believing everything they are told, and having a narrow scope on religious matters. For example, many teenagers consider themselves christian without understanding Jesus' message or his teachings. And others, like the man I was talking about, have a limited knowledge in religion, but an extensive knowledge in christianity, therefore making their opinions strongly biased.

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
2nd...Any bible understanding/believing Christian knows the accounts recorded in the bible. Books like the Da Vinci code were written for profit. It's based on documents that were not corroborated, nor verified as authentic accounts of Jesus' life or ministry. Example...The gospel of "Phillip" much of the accusations of Jesus' marriage to Mary Magdalene were based on wasn't included in the original canon. Why? It's because it's not true! Furthermore, Dan Brown's so-called factual documents are nothing more than elucubrations and should be questioned even more than the bible for their authenticity.

True, and indeed I know of the very passage of the scripture that first hinted Jesus relationship with Mary Magdeline. It was damaged, and incomplete, which already means that any theories based on it will be shaky. I personally don't 100% believe in the Da Vinci Code theory. It is plausible, but thats it. Likely, but also unlikely, depending on your mindset.

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
You have to realize something. The bible not only speaks of history, but spiritual matters. People who are not spiritually minded won't understand, CAN'T understand spiritual things. That's why people think certain points in the bible are "foolish." In truth, man's wisdom is foolishness to God. Human Secularism, Legalism, New Age Philosophies, and other vain doctrines serve to do one thing according to the bible, and that's blind mankind to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's what we believe.

I'm not sure what you seek to prove by showing coincidences in philosophies between the bible and other text, but it doesn't take away from the overlying theme of the New Testament: Jesus is Lord.

Ah, but is not a man who follows Jesus a wise man? A man made foolish by society and the world, attempting to escape and find his true nature through following Jesus? Notice the use of the word "follow." To follow Jesus is to act and think as he did, not just to believe in him. Man truly is foolish, but Jesus was a man, and just like Jesus there are gems on this muddy road of existence.

One thing YOU should realize, is that humans are human. Who gives ANYBODY the right to preach the word of the Lord? Men appoint priests, men decide who the pope is. Q, I can see you are a spiritual person, but look past what is in front of you, and listen to what the bible says. Modern christianity IS blinding mankind to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in many many ways. In this world, people have to discover the truth for themselves, as taking anybody's word for it just isn't good enough!

Also remember, the bible is written by man, take it with a grain of salt. Am I a man? Yes. Don't believe a word I say, just learn from it and find out for yourself.

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
No other religion says that Jesus is the only way to God. The bible says that in John 14:6, and again in Acts 4.

If you want to know if someone is truly a Christian or not, if they have truly accepted the call of faith and are saved by Jesus, ask them who Jesus was. Listen to their answer. Many false prophets have gone out for the sake of perverting the truth of the Gospel. And, yes, we aren't to give that which is holy to the dogs. They can't understand spiritual matters because the god of this world (Satan) has blinded them. 2 Corinthians 4:4. The bible tells us in 1 Peter 4 to "try the spirits" to see whether they are of God. Anyone who says, "Jesus was just a good man" or "Jesus isn't a God" or "Jesus isn't the Christ" is of the spirit of anti-Christ and operating under a demonic spirit of error.

Dhammapada - Chapter 06 v76.
"If you see an intelligent man who tells you where true treasures are to be found, who shows what is to be avoided, and administers reproofs, follow that wise man; it will be better, not worse, for those who follow him."

I consider myself a Buddhist. Yet I believe in Jesus teachings and thoughts, and in his identity. However I take the bible in a very different way to most christians. I am not a christian, and I wouldnt want to be. The connotations associated with christianity definitely do not describe the way I am spiritually. Buddha did not intend for his teachings to become a religion, it just happened that way. Buddhism is not so much a religion where you praise an entity, it is a school of thought. A guide to the truth. It doesnt tell me to believe something as the truth, it tells me how I can discover the truth on my own.

Do I think I know the truth, definitely not. But I know for a fact I am on the right path, because of the way I feel and the things that I have experienced and seen.

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Here's my challenge to you. If you choose to not accept the call of Jesus the Christ to surrender your life to him, then fine. But, why continue to dibble and dabble in God's word? Leave it alone. Be bold one way or the other. Either stand up for the truth of the gospel or shut up about it.


My life isn't much, he can have it if he wants.
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Old 06-12-06, 11:29 AM   #6
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Tero...a couple of things...

Jesus himself gave man the authority to "preach the gospel"...It's called the great commission...that's found in the last chapter of the gospel of Matthew. Jesus says, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." The message was one of salvation, which is brought about through Jesus Christ.

Also, the bible doesn't blind it's own believers to what the bible says. That's asinine. PEOPLE and their inaccurate interpretations of the bible corrupt people's minds. The bible in itself is God's inerrant word. 2 Timoth 3 says that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." Therefore, if you believe the bible, you have to believe that God guided man's hand at authoring it. Also, the bible speaks of false prophets that will bring a word that SEEMS LIKE scripture, but is really demonic doctrine formulated by satan himself. If you are not a Christian, then you've chosen to not accept Christ as your savior. That's your choice. But, be very clear about this: The bible says that Jesus is the only way to God. <--------- Those aren't my words. Those are the words of Christ himself. Again, if you don't accept that, that's your choice.

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Old 06-12-06, 11:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Tero...a couple of things...

Jesus himself gave man the authority to "preach the gospel"...It's called the great commission...that's found in the last chapter of the gospel of Matthew. Jesus says, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." The message was one of salvation, which is brought about through Jesus Christ.

Also, the bible doesn't blind it's own believers to what the bible says. That's asinine. PEOPLE and their inaccurate interpretations of the bible corrupt people's minds. The bible in itself is God's inerrant word. 2 Timoth 3 says that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." Therefore, if you believe the bible, you have to believe that God guided man's hand at authoring it. Also, the bible speaks of false prophets that will bring a word that SEEMS LIKE scripture, but is really demonic doctrine formulated by satan himself. If you are not a Christian, then you've chosen to not accept Christ as your savior. That's your choice. But, be very clear about this: The bible says that Jesus is the only way to God. <--------- Those aren't my words. Those are the words of Christ himself. Again, if you don't accept that, that's your choice.


Nobody says the bible doesent contain great life philosophies..

But you christians compleatly lack the ability to make the definition between whats good philosophy and whats useless religious pseudo-facts that nobody can prove..

That is the error in your judgement. You people have very little sense of logic.. Which is why you will all eventually be antiquated and everything you stand for now, will be forgotton comming into this new era.

Its still early days Q.. Always time to finally begin to think logically....
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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Old 06-12-06, 11:50 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Tero...a couple of things...

Jesus himself gave man the authority to "preach the gospel"...It's called the great commission...that's found in the last chapter of the gospel of Matthew. Jesus says, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..." The message was one of salvation, which is brought about through Jesus Christ.

He was talking to his eleven disciples on top of that mountain in Galilee. Im sure they preached and created more preachers, who created more preachers. But eventually that line would have died out and become inaccurate. So what did they do? They wrote the gospels. "Word of mouth" isn't something I consider a true source.

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Also, the bible doesn't blind it's own believers to what the bible says. That's asinine. PEOPLE and their inaccurate interpretations of the bible corrupt people's minds. The bible in itself is God's inerrant word. 2 Timoth 3 says that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." Therefore, if you believe the bible, you have to believe that God guided man's hand at authoring it. Also, the bible speaks of false prophets that will bring a word that SEEMS LIKE scripture, but is really demonic doctrine formulated by satan himself. If you are not a Christian, then you've chosen to not accept Christ as your savior. That's your choice. But, be very clear about this: The bible says that Jesus is the only way to God. <--------- Those aren't my words. Those are the words of Christ himself. Again, if you don't accept that, that's your choice.

People... People... and their inaccurate interpretations? What about inaccurate translations? What about... alterations? What the bible is today is not what the bible was meant to be. Which is why I said to take it with a grain of salt.

But oh well... Just forget about what i've said.
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Old 06-12-06, 12:08 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
He was talking to his eleven disciples on top of that mountain in Galilee. Im sure they preached and created more preachers, who created more preachers. But eventually that line would have died out and become inaccurate. So what did they do? They wrote the gospels. "Word of mouth" isn't something I consider a true source.

People... People... and their inaccurate interpretations? What about inaccurate translations? What about... alterations? What the bible is today is not what the bible was meant to be. Which is why I said to take it with a grain of salt.

But oh well... Just forget about what i've said.

^^And, since you've decided to "pick and choose" which parts of the bible to believe in, it explains why you continue to ignore the part that says, "All scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for doctrine."

Jesus says in John 15, "If you love me, keep my commandments." One of the commandments he gave us as believers is to "let our light shine before men." Besides the great commission which CLEARLY instructs his followers to preach his message, the apostle Paul confirms this in 2 Timothy where he exorts young Timothy to "teach and preach". If the point is, "no man can preach God's word", then why are the spiritual gifts listed in Corinthians, some of which include "teaching, evangelism, prophesying, preaching...?" This is a moot point because there are countless examples of God calling and even REQUIRING man to "teach his word".

Also, don't disrespect Christianity by being selective. You can pick and choose teachings if you want. But, don't disregard the REST OF IT simply because you've chosen to not follow that. The bible would call you an unbeliever...dare I say apostasy?

ALL or NOTHING baby.

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Old 06-12-06, 12:31 PM   #10
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RIP jono, peace out bboy.
Pardon Canada Criminal Record Pardons Services Toronto
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Old 06-12-06, 12:46 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
^^And, since you've decided to "pick and choose" which parts of the bible to believe in, it explains why you continue to ignore the part that says, "All scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for doctrine."

Jesus says in John 15, "If you love me, keep my commandments." One of the commandments he gave us as believers is to "let our light shine before men." Besides the great commission which CLEARLY instructs his followers to preach his message, the apostle Paul confirms this in 2 Timothy where he exorts young Timothy to "teach and preach". If the point is, "no man can preach God's word", then why are the spiritual gifts listed in Corinthians, some of which include "teaching, evangelism, prophesying, preaching...?" This is a moot point because there are countless examples of God calling and even REQUIRING man to "teach his word".

D.P. Chapter 6 -

77. Let him admonish, let him teach, let him forbid what is improper!- -he will be beloved of the good, by the bad he will be hated.

Did it ever occur to you, that those spiritually gifted preachers are few and far between? Ever hear of a religious profit, or a great spiritual philosopher? Notice... Jesus asked his WORD to be preached.

"Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
Also, don't disrespect Christianity by being selective. You can pick and choose teachings if you want. But, don't disregard the REST OF IT simply because you've chosen to not follow that. The bible would call you an unbeliever...dare I say apostasy?

ALL or NOTHING baby.


If an apple was rotten half the way through, why would I eat it?

Edit: What of Christianity is there to disrespect? I spit on Christianity, I would burn down a church. Does that bother you? Maybe you should stop concerning yourself with worldy things.
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Old 06-12-06, 12:56 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
D.P. Chapter 6 -

77. Let him admonish, let him teach, let him forbid what is improper!- -he will be beloved of the good, by the bad he will be hated.

Did it ever occur to you, that those spiritually gifted preachers are few and far between? Ever hear of a religious profit, or a great spiritual philosopher? Notice... Jesus asked his WORD to be preached.

"Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

If an apple was rotten half the way through, why would I eat it?

Edit: What of Christianity is there to disrespect? I spit on Christianity, I would burn down a church. Does that bother you? Maybe you should stop concerning yourself with worldy things.

lol @ you quoting your "scripture"...Bro, I have nothing to say about your beliefs...I'm quoting the bible because you're clearly attempting to portray something that isn't there, and vice versa. If you don't believe what's there, fine. But, don't dare say that it's not--i.e., God's commissioning of people to preach. That's why I said there are various gifts. Not everyone is a preacher or a teacher. But, every believer, I believe, is to witness in his own "rite". Jesus instructed his believers to do so in the Beatitudes. (Matt. 5)

You're disbelief doesn't phase me bruh...It's nothing new...in fact, it's a repeat of what believers have combated since Jesus left earth.

Also, I'm not concerned with YOUR religion. I'm talking about Christianity. By claiming you believe some things and not others, you've reduced the bible to bird feed. How dare you. Like I said, don't play with fire bro. There are things in scripture you clearly fail to understand. One being that refusal to believe the truth of God's word makes you a fool, especially if you claim to be a wise man.

Question: Who is Jesus to you?
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Old 06-12-06, 01:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by MynameizThaQ
lol @ you quoting your "scripture"...Bro, I have nothing to say about your beliefs...I'm quoting the bible because you're clearly attempting to portray something that isn't there, and vice versa. If you don't believe what's there, fine. But, don't dare say that it's not--i.e., God's commissioning of people to preach. That's why I said there are various gifts. Not everyone is a preacher or a teacher. But, every believer, I believe, is to witness in his own "rite". Jesus instructed his believers to do so in the Beatitudes. (Matt. 5)

You're disbelief doesn't phase me bruh...It's nothing new...in fact, it's a repeat of what believers have combated since Jesus left earth.

Also, I'm not concerned with YOUR religion. I'm talking about Christianity. By claiming you believe some things and not others, you've reduced the bible to bird feed. How dare you. Like I said, don't play with fire bro. There are things in scripture you clearly fail to understand. One being that refusal to believe the truth of God's word makes you a fool, especially if you claim to be a wise man.

Question: Who is Jesus to you?

Thats the thing... What im saying IS THERE if you are willing to read it and broaden your horizons.

The Beatitudes (assuming you are talking about this section, I couldnt find anything else relating to what we are talking about, but correct me if I am mistaken I only skimmed):
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.

I prefer not to listen to a thoughtless man, who knows the bibles words, but is not a doer of them. They are the preachers I'm talking about. And many christians are like this, which is why they shouldnt preach.

Followers of Jesus should do just that. You can tell a good Christian by the way he acts and the way he is, they just give off this instrusive positive aura that effects everybody around them. It's obvious those people are christians, and people in their presence know this or at least know there is something different about that person.

By believing everything you are told, and by trusting the work of sinner's, you are reducing the spiritual side of life to nothing. There are things in existence you clearly don't understand... Things that can only be understood by experience.

I know I'm a fool, I don't consider myself wise. I am still learning. Like I said before, all I know is I'm on the right path. There is a lot more for me to discover.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He can lead us to salvation.

Question: Why have you become defensive and dismissive?
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Old 06-12-06, 01:52 PM   #14
Czar Bishop
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Teru, I'm a christian, and I dunno if I'm going to hell for this, but.........

That Pastor's A Dick!

Originally Posted by Willa
i dont liek this czar kid
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Old 06-12-06, 02:58 PM   #15
Tha .Q
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
Thats the thing... What im saying IS THERE if you are willing to read it and broaden your horizons.

The Beatitudes (assuming you are talking about this section, I couldnt find anything else relating to what we are talking about, but correct me if I am mistaken I only skimmed):
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.

I prefer not to listen to a thoughtless man, who knows the bibles words, but is not a doer of them. They are the preachers I'm talking about. And many christians are like this, which is why they shouldnt preach.

Followers of Jesus should do just that. You can tell a good Christian by the way he acts and the way he is, they just give off this instrusive positive aura that effects everybody around them. It's obvious those people are christians, and people in their presence know this or at least know there is something different about that person.

By believing everything you are told, and by trusting the work of sinner's, you are reducing the spiritual side of life to nothing. There are things in existence you clearly don't understand... Things that can only be understood by experience.

I know I'm a fool, I don't consider myself wise. I am still learning. Like I said before, all I know is I'm on the right path. There is a lot more for me to discover.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He can lead us to salvation.

Question: Why have you become defensive and dismissive?

I became dismissive the moment you started talking about burning churches. That wasn't needed and was immature. Also, do you realize that you are being judgmental. Who are you to determine which Christian is "living right" and which one isn't? The word "devil" means "slanderer" or "accuser". The bible says that satan regularly accuses us before God in order to basically throw it in God's face that his creation isn't perfect.


This is what you don't seem to be getting. Jesus is not a man. Jesus is part of the God-head, and sits at the right hand of God. <------- That is our belief. Jesus is our high priest. Therefore, when we do wrong, when satan does accuse us before God, Jesus steps in (for those who have accepted him) and says, "Hold up God, remember me? Remember I shed blood on the cross for Mike, for Tero, for every man." Then, satan gets dismissed and shut up.

If you've decided to not accept Christ in this role, then that's your choice. Again, don't attempt to say it's not written, because it is.

Also, I brought up the beatitudes because the whole point was to show that even though we're sinners (only God is good) that he still wants us to represent him. You think God is naive? He knows man is filthy. That's the difference between Christianity and most other religions. We have a God we can get close to. The bible says God is love. Find another religion that says we can be "friends with God". Jesus, according to the bible, is God's provision to a sinful humanity. You can count on it.

I'm also done arguing this with you. You have the right to form/practice your own religion. I just don't appreciate the fact that part of your religion is to show bigotry toward Christianity. It's playing with fire.

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