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Old 11-20-03, 11:47 PM   #1
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon
Geneticly Inclined to Never Love


If I talked to a girl, I wouldn't know what to say
"You look like a horse." "NO! I mean that in a GOOD way!"
"Would you like to see some pictures I drew? Specificly of you?
Yeah about those tentacles, oh I drew those too."
I have a few thoughts in my head. Being in love, being dead.
And thoughts of regret for words I have yet to of said
Each time I look for love, it is in the wrong place
Either internet websites, or screams towards outer space
My love is such a twisted thing, eternally spiralling down
Because it starts in such bliss, and has nowhere to go but down
That's why when I fantasize, it starts with hugs and kisses
And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her ass, with a strap-on she violates mine
And I can't continue these thoughts, in monosyllabic rhyme

As I lay awake in bed at night cuddling and
Crying into one of my pillows, I ponder for a moment
All the moments that in a moment made my life
What it is today. If I wasn't so shy I could have
Talked to that girl, and the one I did talk to
I should have gotten her number. And for that
Girl who's number I got I should have called.
And to the girl I did call, I'm sorry I hanged
Up so abruptley. I must've had a panic attack.

Maybe I wasn't built for love. Wasn't designed for it.
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Old 11-21-03, 05:18 PM   #2
.:LadySage:.'s Avatar
Posts: 144

your talent is visible here b/c it combined aspects that let the reader understand/relate, the style not be complex, and the rhyme wasn't elementary, when i look some people can't do this
nice read
keep elevatin
keep writin
~.:Soft Focus:.~
{--Deacon (\_/~\_/) Content --}
{-Calisto (\_/~\_/) .:Lady Sage:.-}
{--Filed (\_/~\_/) Domain 9--}
{-Thrust (\_/~\_/) Know1 (\_/~\_/) Emotion-}
{ --Rule (\_/~\_/) Mental God--}
Don't Look Into My Eyes Forgotten
Once Again
"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom:
the music is nothing if the audience is deaf."
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Old 11-21-03, 09:06 PM   #3
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Necro, you crack me the fuck up! I just laughed and laughed outloud, in my office reading this. It was kind of embarassing because one of my female coworkers happened to be massaging my tensions away at the same time. She got all rosey in her cheecks after reading your drop. I am not sure if it was embaressment or something else. Well that was one hell of a massage, so thanks.....

P.S. Everyone contains the ability to love, weather it be in the traditional sense or the narcisitic sense. We all are capable of love. Compatiblity is another issue, those who truly think they are not designed for it, as it relates to the opposite, or even same sex, just need to find someone similar in nature. I never thought I could fall in love for most of my adolecent years, then I met my ex wife, she changed all that in a heart beat.

Very good drop..

Much respect..
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Old 11-21-03, 09:38 PM   #4
Light Weight
Posts: 349
From: E-Dub

lmao this is funny as hell...I made a song sorta like this a while back but through it away cuz it sucked (not saying that this sucked lol)...as far as it being a "great piece" I dissagree..I mean it's funny, and it's pretty cool to me since I'm a pathetic loser and I like seeing other people pick fun at themselves instead of at me...it's just too funny to be great....will u settle for pretty good tho?
<center> I.J.L</center>
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Old 11-23-03, 11:38 PM   #5
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

I'm glad my ineptness with the female kind brings you laughter.

I am so very glad that my humiliation is a source of amusement for you.

I think I'll stop using the sarcasm sepositorys.

What exactly did anyone find funny about this? I was not trying to be funny. At all.
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Old 11-24-03, 05:42 AM   #6
Dadi Kewl
-Merk Squad-
Posts: 1,755
From: England

This poem turned my head into a human etch-a-sketch
The imagery was absolutley friggen marvellous.......
Your ineptness of women didnt make me laugh,
i was feelin every word...ahhhhhhhh this is hard to explain...mmm
it was Brail for the mind....
It really moved me...a heart touching piece that was a pleasure to read


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Old 11-24-03, 08:26 AM   #7
Twizted Ayngel
Light Weight
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Posts: 258
From: New Jersey

This was so easy to read.. it had a flow that was amazing, plus imagery and rather interesting emotion to it. I agree ^ That this is hard to explain.. hard to write crit on.. it was an imaginative poem.. i think the imagery and emotion was top notch on this.. good drop.
<center>Fuck it...</center>
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Old 11-24-03, 09:01 AM   #8
Smooth JT
Posts: n/a

this did have me chuckling a bit as i read on.

"And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her a**, with a strap-on she violates mine"

had to change it cuz this interent is gay and won't accept that language. i'm at school so that explains it

That part was probably what got us laughin. It was a good read and it was easy to read. ^like they said above, we do have the ability to love. I have a couple friends like that, either fall in love with the wrong person and get hurt or just don't get out and apply themselfs. I'm just lucky and thankful for I have found my love and I'm not gonna mess it up, anyways i'm blabbin on. Again good read. Spect JT
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Old 11-24-03, 10:24 AM   #9
Light Weight
Posts: 234

I don't usually reply to your writings..or anyone else's since I don't visit a whole lot anymore. But the reason I don't reply is cause I don't really understand them. You're a very good writer though. Always on some totally different topics than everyone else.

What you wrote here was..well, wierd. The first 4 lines were kind of funny. They had me thinking this would be a light hearted writing. Something just to get a laugh, I guess? The rest of it didn't seem like that at all.

"And thoughts of regret for words I have yet to of said"

That line struck me the most. Do you regret those words just cause they're so bad you shouldn't even be thinking them? If so, I'm the same way. If you didn't mean it that way, ignore what I said. I'm an idiot anyways.

"That's why when I fantasize, it starts with hugs and kisses
And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her ass, with a strap-on she violates mine"

Why everyone found those lines funny, I don't know. I guess, since I've read some of your other stuff, I took you seriously on this...And from your name. How in the world would you be able to say something like that? I mean, that would be some stuff I wouldn't even post on the internet being so embarrassed about it. It would stay locked up in the deepest parts of my mind. I dunno. Looks like you don't like thinking like that but do anyways. Crazy stuff.

"All the moments that in a moment made my life
What it is today. If I wasn't so shy I could have
Talked to that girl, and the one I did talk to
I should have gotten her number. And for that
Girl who's number I got I should have called.
And to the girl I did call, I'm sorry I hanged
Up so abruptley. I must've had a panic attack."

I really liked all that right there. It hit home cause I'm the same way. Wondering about all the What if's and Could have's. I really hate doing that.

Alright, I did like this. I don't think I said what I thought of it yet. It was wierd but good. You come up with different stuff and I enjoy reading it, even though some of it's pretty crazy. Sorry for the long reply. I felt I owe it to you for not replying on much of your other stuff.
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Old 11-24-03, 10:27 AM   #10
Posts: 120
From: Palm Beach, Fl

Each time I see a piece with your name on it I just have to click
B/c I know I am in for a suprise each and every time... this piece
was very original... I like the way you put the images right there
on the screen.... your structure was on point as always.... and
vocab couldnt have been better suited.... all in all it was a mad
good read... two thumbs up..Keep Writing.
<BR><h3><color=black><center><MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=scroll DIRECTION=left LOOP=infinite scrollamount=1 width=300>*~*~*Lady Wun*~*~*</MARQUEE></color></center></h3>
<BR><MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=scroll DIRECTION=up LOOP=infinite scrollamount=1 height=100> <center><font color=000000><I>*~*~*~*~*</p>I'm invisible to the unseen eye</p>I'm undeniable strength</p>*~*~*~*~*~*</p>Merk Squad</MARQUEE></center><I>
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Old 11-24-03, 10:00 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

Very few people will take themselves apart like you do in a piece (and then some). And you do it nearly all the time with your pieces, let alone just one.

Bluntness of a kind of truth. Put forward in such a unique yet not isolated way. The truth being so interesting. So...what do you call that when people watch the aftermath of a car crash or something? You know, it's not something they 'should' look at, yet they still do.

I thought it was quite sorrowful. The humour seemed to be blunted out (on purpose so it seemed).

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Old 11-24-03, 10:08 PM   #12
Straight Savage.
Accelerate's Avatar
Posts: 3,579
From: Bronx

I believe, that looking at this from the surface, it brings a bit of humor. I took the time to read this, and try to get a deeper meaning. I was amazed at what I found, You put in a good display of alot of the emotions that run through a person's mind about the opposite sex. Your ending stanza was such a nice read, it really describes the thoughts in a blunted yet in a creative way. Nice drop
Only God can judge me, Who THE FUCK IS YOU?!
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Old 11-24-03, 10:10 PM   #13
Posts: n/a

I don't think in anyway that people were laughin at you, you're the cool kid at school that everyone gets along with but it's like no one really knows you because you're almost predictably unpredictable... I think we were giggling at your bluntness and the images that you jamed into our heads that would make the ordinary person gag but that makes the average twisted RB member giggle. One because we don't know how to really react to such a poetically talented, orginal yet a bit on the edge at times writter being so blunt. And two because I know I personally have a lot of respect for you and your opinions (You are definatly one of the highest held people on my RB list). You are a daring poet and individual mind. You poetry constantly pushes the edge of modern thinking and causes the reader to question whether or not these "far fetched" concepts are really feasible... Whether or not you get upset at me for giggling, I did, I respect you, I respect your writting an I think your mind is sexy... scary as it may be at times.... peace sweety keep ya head up
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Old 11-26-03, 04:04 AM   #14
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Hm... I thought the rhyming was horrible. That's why I got rid of it in the second verse. But thank you for your kind words.

Honestly, I think it's funny that that girl got so embarrassed. You should probably give me her email address or something so I can apologize. She's not from rb.com, she's not desensitized to this scheiße yet. It's like giving a caveman a gameboy.

I seriously don't know how you got it to be so funny. But yes, I'll settle for pretty good. Considering I figured this peice to be scheiße on a stick...

Twizzle Stix
Braile for the mind and heart touching peice. Those words mean enough.

Twizted Ayngel
Personally, when I read this I get a really choppy flow to it. Maybe I should change the tempo when I read it? Anyway, if it's hard to write a crit on, then just don't. No one can ever ask anyone here to force someone to do or say something they don't want to. Unless it's varentao forcing me into a tourny that I ended up getting assraped in. And assraped hard.

Smooth JT
If I was looking for any reaction, I guess I was actually looking for arousal than anything else. (Which is to say I was hoping someone might say it's ok and I'm not really as sick as I think I am since it's all relative.)

I had no idea people read stuff and didn't reply. Not that there is anything wrong with it, as long as they liked the peice they read. And yeah, sometimes I have regrets for things that I know I shouldn't be thinking. It's shitty. As for how I'm able to say that kind of stuff... well, I'm an American Adolescence. I never learned shame. Seriously, I have no shame for myself. I can walk around school naked, dancing, and singing Britney Spears and I wouldn't be ashamed or even embarrassed. Though, I might regret it afterwards when I get expelled. Shame and regret are very different. Anyway, thanks for the words that I've seem to of rarely of heard from you.

"Each time I see a piece with your name on it I just have to click
B/c I know I am in for a suprise each and every time...

That's probably one of the kindest complements I've ever recieved. Seriously.

What can I say? Except maybe I'm always glad you're always one to read my peices. So y'know, I do try and get to all of yours, but I can't always and I'm a bastard that way. Forgive me? Thanks. (Forgive me wether you like it or not!)

As for the word bluntness... that's a mind boggler. 'Cause blunt weapons such as brass knuckles, bo staffs, and clubs are my favorite weapons of choice. And it's amazing that while none of them may break the skin (Although I did blood-let this guys ear once with brass knuckles), blunt weapons tend to do a lot of internal damage. Like internal bleeding or crushed bones or bruised organs and such. Maybe... blunt poetry does the most internal mental and emotional damage? Yeah, that's a mind boggler if I ever seen one.

Y'know by saying you looked in for a much deeper meaning... you've probably looked so deep that you've gone past my original meaning. And that happens. Sometimes I might write a peice that goes at face value at first intentions, but I look at it and I can construte so many hidden unintentional meanings... hm... I think I'll try and find some of them with this peice. Thanks.

"you're the cool kid at school that everyone gets along with but it's like no one really knows you because you're almost predictably unpredictable..."
For the record, I've only recently aquired my school status. I've always been the lonely nerd everyone made fun of. It's only recently change because apparently the afro on my head everyone used to make fun of, seems to be cool now. (That and I'm no longer an annoying jackass with no fashion sense.)

" I know I personally have a lot of respect for you and your opinions (You are definatly one of the highest held people on my RB list). You are a daring poet and individual mind. You poetry constantly pushes the edge of modern thinking and causes the reader to question whether or not these "far fetched" concepts are really feasible..."
That's probably the other biggest compliment I've ever recieved. This and LadyWun's can be on the same pedastool, right? Good. Because they are.

" I think your mind is sexy... scary as it may be at times...."
And that is probably the best compliment I've ever recieved, period. Not even varentao would come up with something like that. (Although if he did... wait.. I should stop there. I might not have anyshame in saying it, but I'd probably regret it.)

And again, thanks everyone. I don't think I've ever gotten this many replys to a peice. Especially since I loathe this peice so much. (Flow sucks, vocab sucks, rhymes suck, expression sucks, etc. etc. etc.... well... sucks according to my standards.)

The only real problem is that I'm a paranoid mother fucker and I'm trying to find what ulterior motive you all have for such kindness. Y'know, besides having me reply to your peices. (Wait... if my mind is sexy... and sexy means sex... but wait... sex isn't on my mind... but if you put sex.. in.. my mind... OYFG! YOU ALL WANT TO RAPE MY MIND AND MAKE ME GIVE BIRTH TO BRAIN BABYS! I KNEW IT!!!!...... or not. Maybe you all are being nice because... you like me?)

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Old 11-26-03, 04:59 AM   #15
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
The Necromancer's Avatar
Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon
Re: Geneticly Inclined to Never Love


Ok... break it down. A lot of this peice was tooken from real life. I think that's what makes it so great. Because it's so fucking true.

If I talked to a girl, I wouldn't know what to say
"You look like a horse." "NO! I mean that in a GOOD way!"
"Would you like to see some pictures I drew? Specificly of you?
Yeah about those tentacles, oh I drew those too."

Take this peice for example. There is actually a girl in my school who looks like a horse. And I really think she's hot. In my mind at least, she's one of those cowgirl kinda girls. (Which sucks because with the exception of a horses drug habits in regards to psychoactive experiences when eating sleepy grass, I know nothing about horses. And she loves horses.)

And y'know what else? I also drew pictures of her. She's a bitch to draw, but she has such a unique face, it's quite amazing really. She has squinty eyes and a sharp round nose... and well... I ended up drawing various pictures of her involving her turning into a horse, a centaur, and being raped by tentacles.

This part of the peice was ment to express what would happen if I were to actually bring this up. It's mostly left to the imagination, because when I first met her I had no idea she liked horses so much, and I never knew how she would've responded if I were to have said that.

I have a few thoughts in my head. Being in love, being dead.
And thoughts of regret for words I have yet to of said

What I do know, is that I need to watch what I say, because I may end up regretting it later on. And I say what I think, and I think of some pretty wack scheiße.

Each time I look for love, it is in the wrong place
Either internet websites, or screams towards outer space
My love is such a twisted thing, eternally spiralling down
Because it starts in such bliss, and has nowhere to go but down

I don't suppose anyone else has tried to find love over the internet? I've actually found it. But it's not a romantic love. It's more or less this middle aged suburbanite woman who I deeply love, care for, and admire despite everything that's wrong with her. It's not romantic. But it's love. And then I completly lost contact with her. Which I'm glad. Because if I'd kept communing with her, I know it would've ended up pretty shitty. My only hope is that she didn't kill herself.

As for outer space... have you ever sought love in the heavens? I have. And I've found it. I found it in Jesus Christ. I found it in our Mother Goddess. I found it the all encompassing omnipotent Divine being that brings to me unconditional love. Even if, it's all in my imagination. It's still comforting. Of course, I don't feel it the same way now as I did before. And I think that's a problem, because it means it's deteriorating.

That's why when I fantasize, it starts with hugs and kisses
And then goes onto cum on her face, and it just gets more twisted
So I sodomize her ass, with a strap-on she violates mine
And I can't continue these thoughts, in monosyllabic rhyme

How can I explain that other than... now you know what I do after going to this site and checking my email and DL'ing any files I need and whatnot. I have no fetishes of course, my sexual pallete tastes covers a wide variety of things. It's just more recently that bukkake and mutual hermaphrodite anal have been on my mind quite a bit.

Of course, I have no shame in admitting that. Hell, if a guy doesn't have a wide variety of sexual tastes, then there is probably something wrong with him. Or at least that's the impression I get from spending one too many seconds in the boys locker room.

As I lay awake in bed at night cuddling and
Crying into one of my pillows, I ponder for a moment
All the moments that in a moment made my life
What it is today. If I wasn't so shy I could have
Talked to that girl, and the one I did talk to
I should have gotten her number. And for that
Girl who's number I got I should have called.
And to the girl I did call, I'm sorry I hanged
Up so abruptley. I must've had a panic attack.

Sonofabitch. I actually have found myself cuddling my pillow. It's sickining.

As for the parts with the girls... a lot of that is years and years ago. I'd meet this girl and she'd talk to me for god whatever reason he knows, and I couldn't talk back. I was shy. (Of course I'm not shy anymore, I'm a fucking upstaging attention whore.) And when I was able to talk to a girl, that's about all there was to it. Once I had a girls number, but I never talked to her. In fact, I've had like the numbers to four girls. Only one of them I called. And I hanged up on her rather abruptley and it was quite embarrasing for me to see her at school the next day. I had a panic attack. It was one of my first. And I've had quite a few more since. Socializing is NOT my strong suite. (There is however a difference between socializing and entertaining. Entertaining people is how I'm able to get through school day by day by sharpening my wit so I can tell a dumb joke at the drop of a dime.)

Maybe I wasn't built for love. Wasn't designed for it.

Personally, I have trouble believing in any other conclusion. I think my mission in life is to do nothing more than take care of my pets and my grandmother until they die. Afterwords, I will be incapable of taking care of myself due to the fact I never learned the most basic things in life. (Such as applying for a job, buying a car, cooking something that doesn't go into the microwave, renting a house, cleaning a house, etc. etc.)

I have on of two hopes. One, I meet a girl (Or a guy... when one's life is on the line, beggars can't be choosers.) who's willing to have a backwords relationship wherein she has the career, and I'll be the stay at home dad.

Or two, I become a famous entertainer of some sort and have enough money in which I won't need to take care of myself. Maybe write a book, maybe be a comedian, maybe a musician, maybe an actor, maybe even a pro-wrestler. Why not a pro-wrestler? Every famous American Samoan I know is a pro-wrestler. Just because I have next to no endurance means nothing, right?

Or maybe I should just straighten up and fly right and get a real job? I have no job, no car, no prospects, nothing at all to contribute to society. Yeah, I have a book I want to write. I want to publish a novel about love, and life, and how perserverance for a worthy cause can defeat even the most apathetic of spirits bringing into a person a sense of purpose and a cause to fight for.

But how can I write about such a thing, when I myself am an apathetic spirit who has no sense of purpose and a cause to fight for? This isn't a fucking comic book or a cartoon show. Y'know if I ever have kids I'm going to seriously limit what they watch on tv. I am shocked every day that I have any muscle on me whatsoever. It's probably genetic since my dad was a skinny jew, but the amount of junk food I eat and the amount of time I spend in front of the television and computer... goddamn I am a real American. So why aint I fat? I know if I have kids I aint going to let them be in the same position as me. I'm going to teach them fucking Bushido and Ninjitsu. Any kid of mine'll be like a Ninja Turtle. Whoo-Pah!

But for reals. It's all tied in together. My inability to get close to anyone in real life. The fact that I know I am capable of love, even if it's not romantic. My current sense of purpose in life which is measured in numbered days by my grandmothers life span. My only ability which is entertainment, the only thing which can get me through the stress and the fear that stems from interacting with humans on a day to day basis. My inability to write what I don't know, and my ability to write what I do know with no shame.

And y'know what else? I sit here... typing this... and that fucking smilie is pissing me off.

This one:

It's pissing me off.

Hm... y'know what happened to me today? I got called good looking. At lunch, at school, I was standing there doing nothing. Waiting for one of my friends to leave school grounds so I can bum a smoke from him like the fiend I am. And this girl who I guess I'm friends with was standing with me. (It's strange, for once I can't find a single person who hates me. In fact, everyone either likes me or is indifferent about me. It's the best I could ever have hoped for at school.)

Anyway, she's a bugger. She's weird. She reminds me of me when I was young and immature. She gets sent outta the class for talking to much and making inappropriate comments. (Actually, I still do make inappropriate comments, I just make sure the teacher can't hear.) And all in all, is behavior that isn't that far off from mine before I decided to act mature.

And she was looking at me. Face to face. And then she'd slide to the left and look at the left of my face. Then slide all the way to the right and look at the right of face. And she'd keep doing that.

Finally I said. "Having fun?"

"Oh yes, definitly." She said as she continued going left to right.

Hm... I thought. "Oh, is it because I'm so damn good looking?"

And y'know what she said? She said, "Oh no, well you are, but that's not why."

WHAT THE HELL? THEN WHY WERE YOU DOING THAT?!?! Ugh... women. Actually... I think I know why she was. See, while I may sexually, emotionally, and socially mature, I have yet to grow any decent facial hair. And one of my sideburns happen to be thicker than the other.

But that's not the point. The point is she thought I was good looking. That is wrong on so many levels.

And y'know what? She's not the only girl who ever thought I was good looking. There had been others. (Y'don't get a girls number being butt ugly... except somehow I did...) And all the girls who ever thought I was good looking... have all been buggers. They've all been tripped out one way or another. Generally they've been like me, antisocial agoraphobic losers.

And y'know... each one of those girls I really did like. I can't say I loved them, but I liked them. A lot. But I aint never hit it. When I was younger, I was too scared. Now that I'm older, I'm too smart to get involved in that scheiße. I know if a girl thinks I'm good looking, their must be something wrong with them. And I know it'd be wrong of me to get involved with a girl like that if I can't take care of them properly.

One of them was sexually molested as a child. That is a horrible thing to have happen. And I was friends with her and all, but our relationship was more or less me counseling her in regards to that. And I have very limited knowledge when it comes to such things, (Actually in comparison to your average jabroni, I've got extensive knowledge on the effects of abuse upon people. However, it's not enough to get my Phd in psychology.)

But the fact is, I would never want to take such baggage into a relationship unless me and her were completly committed. Because a woman can't heal from that stuff overnight. And I know it's girls like that which are attracted to me. If I was to ever be with such a girl, I know it would have to be a committment since I know she would be just as determined as me for her to get over the pain.

And that's something important. I have no idea how well I work with committments. I've never actually been in a real relationship with a girl. I don't know if I could ever make it work for a lifetime. Hell, I've been with rapbattles.com for what? Three years? And I've tooken quite a few breaks that lasted for months. And this has been one of the biggest committments I've ever put anything into. Hell, I've never stayed in the same school for more than four years. (K-3, one school. 4-5 another. 6-8, middle school. 8-10, high school. 11-12, alternative highschool.)

As a human being, I have no idea about anything that is there that makes my life worth it. I can only hope and pray that I develop something real soon that is truly worth giving and that will provide for me. Let us look at the facts, yeah, I can write poetry. But so can a billion other people. The most famous poets never make a dime. I know Emily Dickinson, one of my favorite poets had rarely ever left her house if at all and wrote hundreds of poems. All I can think is, fuck, that is me right now. I aint never leave my house except for school and occasionally go to the store right next door for a snack.

And I don't want to be a modern male Emily Dickenson. With the exception of possibly her sister, she had no one to love or make love with. And while I've lived my life like that, I can't imagine living an entire life like that. And to be honest, that's my only gripe in regards to the agoraphobe minor that I am.

My grandmother can't live by herself. She's old, that's why I'm around. Her own children may have left her, her own grandchildren may have left her. But I'm the youngest, and more importantly I have no where else to go. Quite frankly, I'm afraid to have to live life without her since she's my free ride. I don't have to pay for room and board. Except maybe in the work I do cleaning and maintaing the house and her existance. And for that I have no gripes since to me it's more than a fair trade.

Thing is, it could be decades before she dies. She could end up living to be a hundred. What's this mean to me? I don't know. She could be in her bed right now dead, god forbid.

If all I have left to truly fall back on is my writings, how much can I develop and how much can I get done before I end up actually having to fall back on it?

Hm... I've been writing for so long on this post I don't want to stop. But it's actually been over an hour just about. I need to stop though. It's two fucking o'clock in the morning, and I was supposed to go to bed at midnight.

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