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Old 02-23-11, 03:28 AM   #1
C.hristopher S.ean D.abatos
Dabatos's Avatar
Posts: 5,693
From: Bay Area

Now to reply to your other incredibly long post.

"I think its dumb Christians feel like all Christians, even the bad ones go to heaven, but good people of any other religion cant."

1. Not all people who "say" they are "christians" will go to heaven. Just because you say you are does not mean you are one. I know so many people that say they are christian but dont live like one. And for the bad ones, I'm one of them, I was a big time thief, made tens of thousands of dollars. When I accepted Jesus, my addiction to stealing evaporated and never stole from a store again. God changed me, and I'm not the same person I was before. Thats what Jesus does, when you accept Him in your life you change. But if you say your christian but continue to live that life, you're not really a christian.

From your post when you said you dont like how one religion thinks they personally know God. So you are saying, all religions could be right? You said you studied religion, but did you study the fact that they all contradict each other? There's no way they are all right. Theres no way 2 can be right. And for the fact why I am christian, I've studied the bible, I've studied other religions. I've studied Islam, Morminism, Jehovah's Witness, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc... Out of all the religion's I have studied about, Christianity is the only one to say you are saved by you faith, not by works for it is a gift by God. Christianity is the only religion to truly stick to the fact that God died for you and saved you and all you have to do is accept that by faith.

anyway about the crusades. Those people in the crusades were not Christians. A true genuine Christian would have not done what they did. They say they were Christian but they were not. Just because you sin less does not mean you are more protected by God. That is stupid to think you can be protected because you sin less. The Bible never says that. Perfect example they were not Christian. These people made up that fact to abuse the Word to their on selfish greed. So no, the armies of the crusades were not Christian.

Please bring up the Knights of the Templar, what do you have to say of them? And please show me a specific example in the Old Testament that you are talking about. I would love to see it, because I don't know what you are claiming with that statement.

The bible, even in the old testament does not claim you can go to heaven by being a good person. They had things called "sacrifices." These sacrifices they had were of animals so that their sins would be forgiven. Later in the New testament, Jesus becomes the perfect sacrifice for our sins so we dont need to sacrifice animals for our sins anymore. So even Jews knew they were not good enough in the Old Testament, because if they were, why did they sacrifice animals?

Yes The ENTIRE BIBLE (OT AND NT) are the Words of God. The Old testament, were full of laws, the new testament, jesus said we are not bound by those laws anymore. The laws of the old testament was a guideline before Jesus came, before the Holy Spirit came to convict us and teach us on how to Live. After J esus came, the laws of the OT dont matter anymore. If you actually study the OT, you will see prophecies concerning the messiah "Jesus." The Jews were awaiting a messiah, so that when he came, they would not be bound by those laws anymore. So no, God didnt change His mind. He knew what He was doing. And He didnt let just any christians in yet. Did you know Jesus preached to the Jews of salvation before the gentiles who are non-jews? So he preached to the Jews first so Jews may inherit salvation first. Please get that part right. Jesus didnt close his relationship, we did. Like I said that verse from romans how we chose to worship the creation instead of the creator. We rejected and denied God. He didnt deny us. We chose not to accept Him as our savior, he died for us so we can have a relationship with Him. Thats Christianity.

You cant possibly support one part of Christianity and deny the other parts, Christianity comes as a whole. The same reason not all religions lead to heaven. Not all "gods" lead to heaven except the One "God" Jesus.

I know Jews that read the torah, so I dont get what your saying how Jews dont let women read it. But im sure you believe there "has to be a God." If there is a God, would he really allow people to worship so many different gods, a god they created in their head? Or would he want them to worship HIM the True God that has always existed with wisdom he wrote through his Word?

Bro, you said you've done studying on Holy Scriptures of many different religions, on their origins. But you've gotten so many things wrong from what I read. BTW, I didnt say people are foolish, the bible said it and I stand by that. WHy? Because the Bible is the Word of God and so that means God said it Himself. If you would want me to prove to you the inerrancy of the Bible I'd love to do that if you would ask.

So yes, I have studied many religions, and from that, I know why I am a christian. I know why I believe in Jesus as Lord and savior. I am studying religion, and I do study to defend the faith and the hope of what I believe in.

But bro, you said your not gonna reply to this but I'm sure your going to read this. GOd loves you man. Jesus loves you, He died for you becuase he loves you! WHen we didn't deserve it, he came down to earth to die for you! Isn't that love amazing enough? All we have to do is accept Him in our lives as our savior and repent of our sins and thats it! After that everything follows bro! All of my replies was to simply to defend against what you stated. I never wanted to get into this deep because I knew of how much work I'd have to do just to type. But dude, Jesus loves you man.

"For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, so that whomever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16..

God loves you man, if you have any questions just hit me up, even message me and i'll be more than glad to get back at you. Just please think about this. I'm praying for you bro, and I do hope you consider this. Jesus died because he loved you. Jesus created you so he can have a relationship with you. God bless homie! Think about it.

- Chris


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Old 02-26-11, 07:36 PM   #2
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759

And I missed this but my other posts have pretty much said everything for me so I'm just gonna do this quick and simple.

Originally Posted by Dabatos
Now to reply to your other incredibly long post.

"I think its dumb Christians feel like all Christians, even the bad ones go to heaven, but good people of any other religion cant."

1. Not all people who "say" they are "christians" will go to heaven. Just because you say you are does not mean you are one. I know so many people that say they are christian but dont live like one. And for the bad ones, I'm one of them, I was a big time thief, made tens of thousands of dollars. When I accepted Jesus, my addiction to stealing evaporated and never stole from a store again. God changed me, and I'm not the same person I was before. Thats what Jesus does, when you accept Him in your life you change. But if you say your christian but continue to live that life, you're not really a christian.
Lmao I really, really, really don't think you ever made even 10 thousand dollars from stealing shit in your life-time let alone tens of thousands. What did you steal, who did you sell it to? How did you go about stealing it. Where did you find out about these people you'd sell it to afterward? Please tell me because I know you're only saying that for the sake of your argument. That never happened man lmao big time thief my ass dawg you been a good lil christian boy since RV started and that was prolly when you were 15.

From your post when you said you dont like how one religion thinks they personally know God. So you are saying, all religions could be right? You said you studied religion, but did you study the fact that they all contradict each other? There's no way they are all right. Theres no way 2 can be right. And for the fact why I am christian, I've studied the bible, I've studied other religions. I've studied Islam, Morminism, Jehovah's Witness, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc... Out of all the religion's I have studied about, Christianity is the only one to say you are saved by your faith, not by works for it is a gift by God. Christianity is the only religion to truly stick to the fact that God died for you and saved you and all you have to do is accept that by faith.
No I'm not saying all religions could be right. And no not all religions contradict each other but most do. It's very possible certain aspects of two different religions may be true. Personally I think all religions are wrong though, and I think Christianity overall isn't true to what it preaches either. But that's a matter of opinion.

anyway about the crusades. Those people in the crusades were not Christians. A true genuine Christian would have not done what they did. They say they were Christian but they were not. Just because you sin less does not mean you are more protected by God. That is stupid to think you can be protected because you sin less. The Bible never says that. Perfect example they were not Christian. These people made up that fact to abuse the Word to their on selfish greed. So no, the armies of the crusades were not Christian.
LMAO right. The POPE was the one who decided that buckaroo so you can believe they weren't your precious Christians all you want but the truth is they sent little Christian boys into war to get slaughtered by men, period.

Please bring up the Knights of the Templar, what do you have to say of them? And please show me a specific example in the Old Testament that you are talking about. I would love to see it, because I don't know what you are claiming with that statement.
Just look it up. It was believed as long as you obeyed Noah's seven commandments you could end up in Heaven no matter what religion you were

The bible, even in the old testament does not claim you can go to heaven by being a good person. They had things called "sacrifices." These sacrifices they had were of animals so that their sins would be forgiven. Later in the New testament, Jesus becomes the perfect sacrifice for our sins so we dont need to sacrifice animals for our sins anymore. So even Jews knew they were not good enough in the Old Testament, because if they were, why did they sacrifice animals?
Yea because all of them followed Noah's seven commandments directly and perfectly to a tee without ever disobeying them once and thinking "shit we gotta make a sacrifice now"

Yes The ENTIRE BIBLE (OT AND NT) are the Words of God. The Old testament, were full of laws, the new testament, jesus said we are not bound by those laws anymore. The laws of the old testament was a guideline before Jesus came, before the Holy Spirit came to convict us and teach us on how to Live. After J esus came, the laws of the OT dont matter anymore. If you actually study the OT, you will see prophecies concerning the messiah "Jesus." The Jews were awaiting a messiah, so that when he came, they would not be bound by those laws anymore. So no, God didnt change His mind. He knew what He was doing. And He didnt let just any christians in yet. Did you know Jesus preached to the Jews of salvation before the gentiles who are non-jews? So he preached to the Jews first so Jews may inherit salvation first. Please get that part right. Jesus didnt close his relationship, we did. Like I said that verse from romans how we chose to worship the creation instead of the creator. We rejected and denied God. He didnt deny us. We chose not to accept Him as our savior, he died for us so we can have a relationship with Him. Thats Christianity.
If YOU actually study the OT, you will never see prophecies that straight up use the name "Jesus". You might see prophecies that are apparently "God's word" that state a completely different name though.
Isaiah 7:14: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”

You cant possibly support one part of Christianity and deny the other parts, Christianity comes as a whole. The same reason not all religions lead to heaven. Not all "gods" lead to heaven except the One "God" Jesus.
Uh, yes I can, because I do only support certain parts and deny the others. So don't tell me I can't do what I've already been doing. What you meant to say was "You can't possibly call yourself a Christian if you only support certain parts but deny others". Yea that's true, but I never been no Christian and never will be so I'd say I can do whatever the fuck I want cuz ima mother fuckin rebel bitch.

I know Jews that read the torah, so I dont get what your saying how Jews dont let women read it. But im sure you believe there "has to be a God." If there is a God, would he really allow people to worship so many different gods, a god they created in their head? Or would he want them to worship HIM the True God that has always existed with wisdom he wrote through his Word?
Depends on the Synagogue. I meant to say touch the Torah aka flipping the pages to read it which is why I said reading it by mistake. In a lot of orthodox Synagogues the women aren't aloud to touch the Torah, sometimes not even the men are unless they use a "yad"/"pointer". Anyways I didn't create any God in my head, I created my own theory of God in my head. There's a big difference. My God is the same as your God, I just don't believe we were made in the image of God, I don't believe in the human characteristics God is said to and shown to possess, I don't believe in anything the bible says about God, I believe in my own opinions of God, but our God is the same God, we just worship him very differently and see him very differently. And if there really is a God, and it just so happens my theory more closely resembles him then yours does, then I think that this God wouldn't want people believing in Christianity, so what you say here, with no proof, means nothing. You can say "Don't you think God this and God that" and my answer will always be "NO. I don't think God anything. I don't try to guess what God would or wouldn't do/want because I don't fucking know him and neither do you and that's what you aren't getting. You're just insulting to his power by thinking you know how God thinks. Don't think, just believe what you believe in and that's it, don't think for a second that you know God and you know what he would do in certain situations because you don't and you never will possess the power to fully understand his intentions

Bro, you said you've done studying on Holy Scriptures of many different religions, on their origins. But you've gotten so many things wrong from what I read. BTW, I didnt say people are foolish, the bible said it and I stand by that. WHy? Because the Bible is the Word of God and so that means God said it Himself. If you would want me to prove to you the inerrancy of the Bible I'd love to do that if you would ask.
Then you didn't read with an open mind, because I didn't get anything wrong. I didn't make any mistakes. I just gave my own opinion, if you think that's wrong, that's your own opinion, but it doesn't make me wrong.

So yes, I have studied many religions, and from that, I know why I am a christian. I know why I believe in Jesus as Lord and savior. I am studying religion, and I do study to defend the faith and the hope of what I believe in.

But bro, you said your not gonna reply to this but I'm sure your going to read this. GOd loves you man. Jesus loves you, He died for you becuase he loves you! WHen we didn't deserve it, he came down to earth to die for you! Isn't that love amazing enough? All we have to do is accept Him in our lives as our savior and repent of our sins and thats it! After that everything follows bro! All of my replies was to simply to defend against what you stated. I never wanted to get into this deep because I knew of how much work I'd have to do just to type. But dude, Jesus loves you man.
You sound really scary right now, really scary.

"For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, so that whomever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16..

God loves you man, if you have any questions just hit me up, even message me and i'll be more than glad to get back at you. Just please think about this. I'm praying for you bro, and I do hope you consider this. Jesus died because he loved you. Jesus created you so he can have a relationship with you. God bless homie! Think about it.

- Chris

Been thinking bout it since I was born. I still think about it, everyday. I`m not changing what I believe. Please don`t pray for me. If you pray for a new car, you still aint gonna get it, and if you pray for me, that won`t make a fucking difference either, I can guarantee that. I will never, ever be part of the christian faith. And that`s it man... and that`s it.
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