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Old 01-21-04, 08:37 PM   #76
Tsar Casm
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Fuck gay marriages..if they want to get married..let 'em..More girls for the rest of us..and that's not meant to be a joke..I'm dead serious..all these girls I talk to say how they get frustrated cause the hottest boys are gay..and i'm like maybe that's why their gay..

Soft Focus
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Retarded people's heads are to big..I'll be back with something just as funny as watching the Special Olympics..don't worry..
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Old 01-21-04, 10:59 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by High Class

. . . And now you're cool right ? That was fucking ignorant dog, and i'm in your fucking crew. Honestly, who gives a fuck about a gay marriage if you aren't gay ? My step-brother is gay, I have no hate towards gay people in general because looking past the obvious fact that they are gay, they're just like me. I mean shit, why should I be concerned with my step-brother's lifestyle when I have other things to worry about ? That's what everyone who isn't gay should be thinking about. Fuck being gay, let them be and live their life the way they want to. What about hunger ? Homelessness? Economy Problems ? Those issues are MUCH BIGGER than the issue of whether gay people should actually recieve the same freedoms as heterosexuals do. If a man and woman can get married, then why not give gays the same rights ? Oh wait, I forgot, so many people are insecure with their sexuality that they feel the need to bash and criticise those who are different. Get a fucking life if you have nothing else better to do then sit behind a machine and bash people for their own way of life.\

Bouncy Dog. . No hate kid, but your point of view is like sticking to the books. It's obvious that the books state equal rights, but people seem to overlook that for people who are "different". So you're telling me we're going to watch the hunger rate go up while we meddle in pety shit ? Equal Rights is exactly what it says it is. . E-Q-U-A-L R-I-G-H-T-S. . Meaning everyone is equal, as one. So, equality in mind, give the gay people their RIGHT to marriage.

Hope I Made Sense. . Pz.


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Old 01-22-04, 12:50 AM   #78
The Necromancer
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0 - I didn't see this thread last night. I need to start logging on during school.

1 - Gay marriages should be legal.

2 - The bible states that you shouldn't nakidize relatives. It does not say anywhere that homosexuality is bad. It does however, say tha if you sin you must make a ritual sacrifice to animals. I believe it was called Leviticus.

3 - No changes of the original constitution will be made to support or deny gay marriages. I believe it's called an amendment. You amend things to the constitution and it is done all the fucking time. Try reading it some time to see some of the serious and silly things added on to it. If I remember right, one serious thing was slavery. The fourteenth amendment put an end to slavery. By your logic, bouncedoggydogg, if I'm correct, slavery should still be legal for to add the fourteenth amendment and thus altering the constitution is wrong.

The fact is, laws are being made all the fucking time that shouldn't be made. Bush has NO RIGHT to pass clear cutting laws in Oregon when he has no clue about foresting. I know more about it, and I know he's creating a cause for more forest fires. And compared to the rest of the American population, the few thousand people in Oregon is a minority. YET... when he passed those clear cutting laws, he basicly sentenced us to a smokey sky and toasty forests. Which is completly and utterly wrong no matter how you look at it. In fact... it's his ignorance of some place else that he rules that reminds me of something... what is it? Oh yeah! The KING! The king of England to be exact, ruling over America, a small minorty of the crown.

America didn't like it. So they changed it. I think, if the system doesn't work, the system should change. Personally, I have my own ideas. A socialist republic can easily work if managed correctly. But that's just me. I'm kinda hoping my statements are giving you food for thought, no hate though, right?

4 - Bush is a HORRIBLE president. Not only are we in a DEFICIT of five hundred BILLION dollars... but the capture of Saddam made things WORSE. After all... what if the man you held near and dear got captured? Wouldn't you want vengence? And yes, the people many of them loved Saddam. And many of them despise America and will attack because of the war in Iraq. It's sorta like, cut off the head and the body will strangle you to death.

5 - Ok... so a gay guy might sneak a peak at another man, but there are PLENTY of perversions in heterosexuals to rival that. Why... the WHOLE male student body drilling a hole into the wall of the girls locker room proves that point. Why, last time I check most rapes occured between a man and a woman. Don't even get me started on the vile and disgusting pornography on the internet. (And I know my way around pornography on the internet. What with me being a heterosexual pervert that is beyond anything a gay guy or girl can ever hope to acheive.)

In fact deacon, your logic against gays is rather silly as it can easily be construted as a new found hatred for colored folk. It was a mexican and a negro, correct? And racial background is heriditary, their behavior is probably prevailent in ALL mexicans and negros! Again... by your logic.

6 - Bio*Chemist, I never had a father figure growing up. I never had parents. I had a grandmother. Hell... seventy percent of American familys are dysfunctional. And their have been a lot of good people produced from those familys. Many have been children of same sex couples. (Obviously, the child was born from a heterosexual relationship which went sour, and thus the parent moved on.)

7 - TheProphet777, I doubt I'd ever be in the position to ever have a gay man hit on me. But if it happened, I'd go for it. I'm not gay, but a lay is a lay.

8 - This post is 3830 characters long.
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Old 01-22-04, 06:13 AM   #79
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I heard Cam N Bigg EZ are gettin married...lol.....
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Old 01-22-04, 06:15 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by ~HoTTie~
Gay Marriages Are Nasty...But I Don't Care..Let Them Do What They Want.

Fuck you
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Old 01-22-04, 06:25 AM   #81
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mmm it doesnt worry me as long as they dont kiss in public...And as long ads there not aloud to adopt kids i mean can u imagine having to choose wich ones mummy and whose dady?
Soft focus

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Old 01-22-04, 06:39 AM   #82
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On the whole....Not bein discrinative to gays...But
they Knok me ill as fuck...Its not natural at all
Shud be outlawed.....lol.................
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Old 01-22-04, 08:25 AM   #83
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Bleh.. Totalitarianism is stupid bounce.. I don't feel like arguing law right now.. But it's stupid.
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Old 01-22-04, 10:11 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Emotion
mmm it doesnt worry me as long as they dont kiss in public...And as long ads there not aloud to adopt kids i mean can u imagine having to choose wich ones mummy and whose dady?

They are already allowed to adopt kids, and if they can date then its their right to make out in public, just don't fucking long is that hard 2 do?
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Old 01-22-04, 12:41 PM   #85
"Cuz bruk said so"
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Is anyone other than the End grasping my logic here? I never once made the statement that guy's shouldn't get the same and equal rights as everyone else. I only stated the repercusions of altering the definition of marriage. What do you guy's not understand about that? Necro, do you really thik I would stand behind a logic that would conclude slavery should still be legal, that's an entirly different issue. Do you not see the problems we will face from those few radicals who would seek to perverse the grey area's opened by redefining marriage? It's very obvious, and yet none of you seem to understand my concerns. You guy's attack my intellegence, fire off with assine comments and chose to interpet my statements as oppresive. That is just wrong,. I am making valid claim, changing the constitutional clause of marriage for the good of a few, contrast the sentiments of the majority. I am I not correct here? Of course I am, why else do you suppose those who are pushing this, do not want it to be placed on a ballot? ecause the majority of Americans would not vote to make a change to the definiton. Yet everyone in the Administration agrees that allowing same sex partners the very same benifits of married couples is feasable. This can be done via legislation with out changng our constituion. Right now, the people of America wish to keep the definiton the same. If and or when the majority decides it has no problems redefining marriage, then you can have a contitutional change. At the moment, more oppose such a change, by a very large margin. Since when do we allow the agenda of so few, alter the course of so many? I do not see any valid arguements from any of you. Although you guy's have such a compasion for your fellow humans, that I can really respect. I am not talking about exterminating gay's, I was simply saying the American people are not ready for that change. At the same time, I was describing the type of trouble we would have, since our legal/police infulstructure are not equiped to handle this. It would cause a mess of litigation, from those who seek to have thier life styles normalized as well. I am concerned, just as our founding father were, hence the definition they drafted into our constituion. It's a protection from such issue's as I described in my first post. I really do not understand the comotion these statements I made here caused. I had several politcal figures here over look my statements , and not a one could extract a valid argement from the RB opposition. Compasion was recognized, and emotion was detected, yet no grounds to assult my very accurate and valid points. Even those pushing for this change understand the consequences of the change, and are working a drafts/language that would help instutute this change. Even the radicals, understand that a can of worms will be opened, and are tying to finds ways to eliminate the grey area. Now not a one of you can tell me this is not a concern. I swear sometimes we allow our emotion to over rule our logic. I do love your compassion RB, it's just misdirected on this issue, but I am sure you will see my true intent here. It was not to slam the life style or even hender it, it was to expose the problems such actions would cause. I hope you kids could understand me position a bit more now.

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Old 01-22-04, 12:46 PM   #86
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Due to my level of homophobia, I have a very biased opinion here. So, I won't even begin to comment on the subject. This board doesn't have enough bandwidth. The only thing I'll say...

Sodom and Gamorrah.
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Old 01-22-04, 06:59 PM   #87
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Yer point was understood from the start, Bounce. Hence the 'question is society ready' comment. But some people seem to be missing the point in terms of 'homosexuals wanting to integrate into mainstream marriage'. So the other side's point was in need of being highlighted.

But, to once again play 'devil's advocate' of sorts. Hasn't the American constitution been ammended before AGAINST the will of the majority? Could they not drag it through the storm of opposition that'd follow? Or is state of America too unstable (relatively at least) to do such a thing at this moment. With all that is going on and all..

Is the majority of people against all that well informed? Would you agree with extra education on homosexuality and marriage to help balance it out? And therefore maybe enable them to make 'better thought out' choices n opinions? Or is the stigma attached to all this going to make it a boundary virtually impossible to look past for so many?

And does all this suggest that the new legislation which'll give homosexuals rights, is a step TOWARDS mainstream marriage for them? And should be seen as going forward...building foundations before something on top? Patience is key? Crawl before run? Gradual rather than sudden?

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Old 01-22-04, 07:05 PM   #88
-Zone Out-
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gay men should be taken out in a feild and slaughtered like animals...fuck gay men(not in a gay way)..they are disgusting and should be spitted on in public..
R.I.P. Bodie
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Last edited by Dixie Normous : 01-22-04 at 07:05 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 01-22-04, 07:08 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Lethargic

Sodom and Gamorrah.

yes yes nyes..God wiped out this whole city because of those gay fuckers..and if gays start to get married..then God will be angered and forced to wipe us out..
R.I.P. Bodie
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Old 01-22-04, 11:48 PM   #90
The Necromancer
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1 - Sodom and Grimorrah was wiped about because they were sinners of various forms. Why... swear words are forbidden. My question to you Dixie Normous is how can you have the words "So Fuck You!!" in your signature and still have anything against homosexuals? That's hypocritical.

2 - Bounce... I think personally, is my biggest problem with your argument has nothing at all to do with homosexuality. But simple politics of amerikkka.

It was said best when it was said as this: "Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

Now, we are a republic. Which merely means that we have people representing the people and it isn't that much different. The biggest problem I have is simply this: The American people are idiots and don't know what the fuck is the best for them. For example, diet. America has the worst diet in existence. Spear chuckers in Africa drinking cows blood are healthier than we are. I am, as I write this, eating from a bag of m&ms. And not just any, but a pound bag of them. If Americans can't even keep a decent diet, how the fuck are the people going to run a country?

Now, I'm not saying we should become a monarchy... I have a lot of ideas on how a country should be ran though. But unfortunetly it is irrelevant.

The people of America are the stupidest people in existence. They can't even fucking hold a cup of fucking coffee without spilling it on themselves and suing McDonalds. Hell, they can't even eat a cheeseburger without suing McDonalds.

I personally, believe that marriage between homosexuals is a good thing. One, they can't reproduce naturally and will have to adopt. Couples need to adopt, it's better to grow up in a gay family than in no family. One might think there is a problem of "But who's mommy and who's daddy?" thing going on, but it's been settled in the past with couples before. So it's not a problem.

I also feel that it will be one step closer to acceptance of homosexuals as actual people. Now yes, this is an emotion statement as you've said. But quite frankly, further acceptance of homosexuals will lead to less hate crimes. It's not something that can be stopped or stamped out, true, but it can be weakened. I feel that for weakening the haters, that is reason alone to allow such marriages.

Quite frankly, you're right in that American people are not ready for such a change. But not only are the American people not ready to go on a diet, they weren't ready to give colored folk seperate but equal rights. Some Americans still are not ready and still go about their hatrediful ways (kkk). But colored folk needed those rights regardless of what the American people want a long time before they ever actually got those rights.

The homosexual people for a long time in our past had little rights. If you were a known homosexual you couldn't get a federal job. Over time, they have gotten a lot of their rights back so that they can legally be considered humans again. But they still have a ways to go. I think the American people are not ready, but I also think it doesn't matter. Shit happens, and it's past due for them to get rights.
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