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Old 12-19-03, 10:12 PM   #5
Walter Wall
Posts: n/a

Lost the HW title and dis battle, things don't go as planned
This is a christopher Reeve horse back ride..…ure last stand
No wonder you’re a seasoned vet, you win sum and then fall
Wit’s End led? I’m sever’n ure head…….
…………………………………… you can take roll call!
Lost your title shot to vovle….ure still stuck with the shards
Cuz Tak only pushes the envelope………………
………………….………When he’s mailing christmas cards!
Tak’s rhymes get like ure merk squad application…Rejected
More than an emcee…..tak’s a walking ad for contraceptives!
You kneed me! u got down on 2 begging me to join ure crew
It’s true!………
You can’t beat me! everything I post starts with double you!
Remember Warlords? Yeahp…crumbled like a roman pillar
U should be banned for spam.....cuz your verses are all filler!
Kicked out Regime now he’s mouth’n off look’n for a plaque
Face the facts! 13th broke your front and Walter got ure back!