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Old 12-21-03, 09:32 AM   #9
Bloody Footprint
Posts: n/a

I was expecting alot more from this battle but, fucckk itt. I can care-less either way. Walter Wall won this hands down....

Taktik's Better Punches:

Felt bad...started talking bout NBA, to make tha load lighter...
But I said Boston Sell-Tiks...he tried to buy me as ghostwriter!....

^It made me chuckle.

His shit's irrevelent, look at his sig, a newbie astonishment...
Sad...finalists n' pety votes are his only accomplisments...

^It was a ight personal..

And ur closer could of been flipped and hit harder...All-round a good verse but seen better from y-o-u.

Wall's Better Punches:

Lost the HW title and dis battle, things don't go as planned
This is a christopher Reeve horse back ride..…ure last stand

^ Eventhough Chris shit is played, it made me laugh...Whats funnier than handicapp people?

Lost your title shot to vovle….ure still stuck with the shards
Cuz Tak only pushes the envelope………………
………………….………When he’s mailing christmas cards!

^I liked it...

You kneed me! u got down on 2 begging me to join ure crew
It’s true!………
You can’t beat me! everything I post starts with double you!


Your closer was alot better than taktiks "why!" bullshit..

Walter Wall wins, better overall Verse.