Thread: Memory Lane
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Old 12-21-03, 12:06 PM   #1
..Soft Focus..
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Posts: 1,639
From: Ont.
Memory Lane


I got this topic in SS, lets see what i can make of it.

The mind is my character resulting to certian actions or phrases
A blinde man who dreams of breaking lose of the worlds cages
I'm lost in these memories mazes of how it reasembles my art
Keeping close my literature putting down me to balance my heart
The past wont hits me like a lost path of a kills..
Life is one chance there is no I glance at the picture still
The power between the frame leaves no bliss to unknown name
Prosicuting my game putting a suspention on my talents range
Who's to blame? But myself the cards i delt and moments disolved
Were as beautiful as a lonely flower..problems still left unresolved
Ocward the path that you shose to garunte you hopes an dreams
A rhyme scheme if you fall off it destroys no what i mean
Loss being the only memory holding on to my lifes propaganda
Stages of greatness I could write in one short stanza
I sit back with the thoughts with a tombstone overlaping the grief
Reminicing when everything was okie an I could actually breath
Now I stutter slur words cause of lack of energy all disapointment
I failed my test had one chance for my future blew my apointment
Medals and jerseys all across my wall from seven years of work
The unstopable is now stopable the man met the dirt..for worse
A future now unknown so I sit in my old throne on the feild..
Take a trip down memory lane and try to feel what i use to feel..

Quick key,....tell me wutcha like...and dont like pz
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