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Old 12-28-03, 03:21 PM   #11
Even If U Like Me..Fuck U
Allegory's Avatar
Posts: 62


anywayzz....dis wuz a good battle...i enjoyed it....
but my vote iz going to Amend....
he just came more wittier....
and had some decent personals.... came good...i just didn't see....
anything in your verse....dat really impressed me any...
but u still had a decent verse....i just don't think it was....
up to par wit Amend's my vote....
goes to Amend with a overall better verse....

good battle...stay up u guyz...

* dis aint no hate vote or d/r vote....Amend or Feeble...
if u dont won't it to count...den dont count it...
just stating my opinion...*


Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- Allegory -