Thread: Dick Vs MTclips
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Old 01-05-04, 07:36 PM   #14
Posts: 139

i'll give no test, and no lesson cuz there's no question whos greater
you'll get wrecked son, and left in more sections then ya newspaper

Good multis... Punch.. aight.
u should just quit, throw all ya scripts in the trash
cuz the only time anyone "feels ya shit" is when their dicks in ya ass

good multis again.... nice punch
son i'll be whippin ya ass, have ya neck gripped and you'll gasp
leave u lookin like a lizard ya fag, when i grab the tip of ya tounge and rip it in half

if i dont get a tech, you will get choked or stabbed
i dont fuck with ciggarettes but i'll smoke this fag

heh, shouldn't of used this line, it sounds kinda gay.... I get it and all, but no matter how you say it, it sounds gay.... you're gonna smoke a fag, but not a cigarette? U see what I mean?
i would have thought u was in a track meet, when i saw this cat bookin
but nah he aint no athlete, and all he ever "caught" was an ass whoopin


And Next....

Your no way near as good¡Kso that¡¦s why im handing u a loss,
Coz when dick be reigning supreme, you only dribble Diana Ross.

No one buys the gangster image¡Kall RB know that ur a bitch,
Coz only when u take out ur plats¡ you u have MTclips.

mmm.... right... not feelin it

Dicks a real live rhymer¡Kand that¡¦s sumthin that ur not,
So stik to poppin ur zits kiddo..while I really bust up spots.

not really feelin it man...
This dood used to score with chiks¡Kbut„²-aint what it seems,
Because he stopped all that^¡Kwhen kikt off the netball team.
Ur family is known to be interbred that they shud be named hovis,
And dood ur so fukkin wak¡Ku been here a yr and still aint noticed.

Man, last line coulda been a good personal, but u just didn't word it right. It's still aiight, tho.

Due to multis, wordplay, and better punches,

Vote: MT CLips

Dick Tator, you came aiight, just come a little harder, try workin some multis or wordplay better. Peace

If either of ya could check out this battle

That would be cool....