Thread: the holy grail
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Old 01-06-04, 08:18 AM   #1
Johnny 6-feet
Posts: n/a
the holy grail


replied to:

this is a track from my 2nd ep which is under construction right now. the songs on the first one got the ying-tang next to 'em. anyhow this is a story about the hip-hop holy grail and one emcees quest to find it, a little bit based on lord of rings and stuff like that: (high as my blood pressure) (low as my IQ)

i took my training skills that i learned in the dojo/
and left on a quest to find the next level of mojo/
my posessions in a napsack and sandals on my feet/
i walked the rocky road to a random base beat/
i'd heard of a legend told by the old and frail/
of an object called the hip-hop holy grail/
the chalice is only touched by the chosen few/
the rest who failed the test merely froze in view/
of its beauty, so shoot me, thats where i was headed/
keeping my eyes peeled for danger wherever i treaded/
i met a traveller from a distant land/
who told me, to boldly, make my way to the sand/
the great desert of dispair where travellers unaware/
would become forever lost in its gravelly snare/
i walked a 100 miles in the blistering heat/
sweat pouring from my body and hissing at my feet/
dodged rattlesnakes, fought battle dates set along the way/
other emcees could tempt-me and lead my quest astray/
suffering from dehydration, my voice nearly lost/
i wondered if the price was too dear a cost/
i'd nearly turned back before i saw the oasis/
i thought it was a hallucination and faced it/
a man stood at the edge with a mic in his hand/
and told me that to drink i had to fight for this land/

i summoned my last strength and commenced the battle/
threw punches with loud crunches like a foot hitting gravel/
he acknowledged my skill and gave me the draught of life/
he grinned a sad smile with a laugh of spite/
said he'd taken the same quest and met with failure/
found himself banished by the holy grail, the saviour/
he'd been cursed to man this post until the end of time/
to rend the minds of travellers and pen his rhymes/
he was a veteran very few men where better then/
if no-one could get the grail his curse would never end/
i learned the next step in my path of trails/
to find the speakerbox palace, a task thats wild/
confront the gatekeeper who was holding the keys/
show him my steez and make the man bow to his knees/
"how do you plead?" i said guilty and continued to walk/
it was a full days travel with many sinews and forks/
in the road, now feeling bold with the sun on my back/
i picked up my pace and began to run on the track/
the spires came into view on the red horizon/
i stared in awe, no denying the sight was surprisin'/
there were towers 300 feet high and covered in amps/
that glared without light like they were smothered in lamps/
another quick glance, the message could be told in braile/
this was the next step to the holy grail/

any beef about my voice? please refer all statments to mr trigger happy
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