Thread: It's only logic
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Old 01-29-04, 08:38 PM   #1
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Posts: 103
It's only logic


You all didn't fuckin miss me...

But on to the realness. What's gonna happen this Presidential election? OF course, everyone wants to see Bush scooping shit from canals in Haiti, but if he serves another term, we don't get a chance to abduct him and "accidentally" package him on a freight boat to Port Au Prince.

-I know you all feel me on that one.

Since i'm focusing on who's going to be elected amongst the democrats, i'd like to know what you all think.

Will it be Kerry? Edwards? Lieberman? Sharpton? Clark? Dean?..etc.

I personally would love to see an african american as president, but we all know that wouldn't turn out on the benefit of our beautiful America.

Who's campaign do you think is doing the most counting their current status? (don't forget the two wins for Kerry)

And think about it, the republicans are rumored conservatives, but why..must I ask, would George Bush (undoubtedly a republican) jump to such a radical opposition, and aimlessly (yet coincidentally) throw our soldiers at an overthrown and violent country ( Iraq) without any proof what so ever of either one of his causes...(oil, liberation, WOMD). It seems the people are worse off with an asshole as a reconstruction leader than a jackass for an ex-president. ASS ASS ASS.

-Back on topic

Well yea, which democratic candidate will win the elections over and venture on to the big league with Bush?

(haha, I amaze my self...I couldn't give two shits about this country, or the people...but the influence of patriotism on me for the past 3 years (since 9.11) is indeed overwhelming).
My conscience was fucking with I shot it
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