Thread: It's only logic
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Old 01-29-04, 09:38 PM   #14
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

Originally Posted by rellik

And think about it, the republicans are rumored conservatives, but why..must I ask, would George Bush (undoubtedly a republican) jump to such a radical opposition, and aimlessly (yet coincidentally) throw our soldiers at an overthrown and violent country ( Iraq) without any proof what so ever of either one of his causes...(oil, liberation, WOMD). It seems the people are worse off with an asshole as a reconstruction leader than a jackass for an ex-president. ASS ASS ASS.

^ Goerge Bush only acted where other administrations did not. The pressure from the intellegence communities (does not imply US only) was the same as that applied to Clinton. Bush felt, as so many analyst still do, the threat was real enough to take action. Clinton was approached the same way, he decided not to take action. Weasly Clark once upon a time, also pushed for an invasion of Iraq, yet today he is standing against the war. He has done a completle 180, in hopes to have a better chance at his election run. I doubt anyone who followed the mans career will be fooled by his actions as of today. My point is everyone in our defense sector thought Saddam was working towards or had the weapons. If the most informed peole of this and other nations felt the threat was credable, our President had to react. If not, and some poor nation was nuked, everyone would be looking to Bush for reasons he did nothing to prevent such an ordeal. Either way the President did what so many informed counter parts deemed necesary. How can things be worse than having that monster rule of his people? In the latest gallup pol, over 80 percent of the population in Bagdad respect our actions. Only those in the liberal medai have introduced polls based on reactions of those found protesting our occupation of Iraq. There was no cross section of any large city or towns, only those that were asked on that given day. I say that is just crap, so who is really fooling who?
Originally Posted by rellik

(haha, I amaze my self...I couldn't give two shits about this country, or the people...but the influence of patriotism on me for the past 3 years (since 9.11) is indeed overwhelming

^ Next how can I take anything some who has no concern for their country serious. I know that was just a sign of maturaty, but please be thankfull for the blessings we have in this country.

Well ghod, it looks like the Dems are going to have to wait for '08', which I predicted along time ago. I can see Hilary as their best shot, if they don't play that card this year. You know Keary/Hilary ticket... Would make up the slack and really add some numbers. I am not sure if the party is bold enough to make this move, or if Hilary is ready to share the ticket. She might want her very own in 2008. Remember she may face off against Jeb Bush, and the possiblity of Condi on that ticket would excite so many. So right now I think the Democratic camp is focusing on 08... They know Bush is going to be tough to beat this time around. I like Keary but I am not buying into his health care issue, he has blown that out of the water for me. Either way this is very interesting to watch...
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