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Old 02-04-04, 09:11 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

Flow was straight, had some dope rhymes in there...the structure itself was nice, good bar length..:

"See last night i was drunk, I know its not an excuse
Cause either way you look at, it still counts as abuse"

Vocab, i felt, really started to shine through on the 3rd verse...although the first two stanza's were like, sun tryin' to shine through the clouds n' in the 3rd it broke from it's shell, you know..? Liked your terminology, & your rhymes had a certain complexity to them, not simply 3 letter rhymes...dope.

Concept was nice, some could say that it has been played, however you added a personal touch n' personal emotion to it, which i thought was had alot of nice imagry in here, really made me come into contact with the story.

Not seen alot of your writing, but if it's anything like this, then i want to see alot more..a well deserved 4/5.. keep this quality have alot of potential.
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