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Old 02-04-04, 05:24 PM   #4
New to RB
Posts: 141

Ok, things to know about him

Old name was "Oli Dogg"
Old crew was "Central"

Flow is persistent, got most wins from noobs, ur merkings are distant...
He was co-leader of Central.......and so the crew went down in an INSTANT!...
Ur nothing in my eyes, the loss I'll provide, this sickness is hard to revive...
.:K:. wanted to beat this............but couldn't find pussy in his hardrive!...
Like Schwartzinager being govenor, a win for you is an Impossible Mission...
This guy is definately ahead of the pack.........running away from competition!...
It's hard hittin from the start, the pains been given, constantly inflictin...
"It's a shame I can't type as big as Rebel" I'll leave him adMITTEN...
He claimed he was ill as Oli, "gimmie some respect" he constantly sobs...
I could teach u math in this battle, but it wouldn't help even the odds...

If you don't get the lines, don't vote. Good luck K....
Ur not wack................ I'm just better

reppin strong, wurdshizle