Thread: Predictions
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Old 02-04-04, 07:51 PM   #8
Even If U Like Me..Fuck U
Allegory's Avatar
Posts: 62

I.P. Check..I dont even know a youngblood..i hardly post on this site...
i got a lot of people that can vouch for me..who knows me in real life....
i registered in ya'll do this all the time...
accuse a writer of someone else...just cause ya'll dont like him...
hmm..i don't know none of ya'll...i just know a lot of peeps talk about cam..
so i know a little about him hit me up on aim...
sayin i heard u been going around sayin...i posted dick pics of him...
WTF?....and the he started saying nigger this...nigger that....
he is just trying to start somethin..then some dude named Listen hit me...
up also...sayin the exact same shit..sayin he's gonna kill me...
WTF? or whatever..u got issues...serious issues...
and i speak for everybody on that...


Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.
- Allegory -