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Old 02-05-04, 01:57 PM   #16
\/ pissing me off!!!!
menolin's Avatar
Posts: 2,122
From: UK

little politicle hoe..won't let shit go...fucking joker,
cause face it my lyrics are more cancerus....
.....................than a heavywight smoker.....
not too bad, 6/10

don't even no who you are..if you put out some shit i havn't heard-it,
a wanna be vet with guilty written all over his the verd-ict,
agen not too bad, 5/10

just like your avy..youre a maybe...but really non-exsitant,
and simular to a man with low sperm count...
.....................your flow is inconsistent...............
lol, nice, 7/10

my verse diserve's a a thug, if your a rebel,
you aint shit man ive seen harder rock..comeing from a pebble,
wording let u down here, 6/10

you sucked extremes dick so much for your postion...affraid of rejection,
cause rebel gets poll'ed for less than bin laden,
....................standing for election......................
not too bad, 6/10

overall 30/50

Flow is persistent, got most wins from noobs, ur merkings are distant...
He was co-leader of Central.......and so the crew went down in an INSTANT!...
nice personal, 7/10

Ur nothing in my eyes, the loss I'll provide, this sickness is hard to revive...
.:K:. wanted to beat this............but couldn't find pussy in his hardrive!...
wtf, not hardhitting at all, 3/10

Like Schwartzinager being govenor, a win for you is an Impossible Mission...
This guy is definately ahead of the pack.........running away from competition!...
i thought 'Schwartzinager' was governer, any way weak, 4/10

It's hard hittin from the start, the pains been given, constantly inflictin...
"It's a shame I can't type as big as Rebel" I'll leave him adMITTEN...
nah, this didnt wrk, decent attempt, 4/10

He claimed he was ill as Oli, "gimmie some respect" he constantly sobs...
I could teach u math in this battle, but it wouldn't help even the odds...
bad wording weak punch, 4/10

i was generous, although u had a nice opener,

overall 22/50

my vote .:K:.
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