Thread: The Challenge
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Old 02-09-04, 03:35 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

I liek your flow, you have a certain wave of originality about it within your pieces, maybe it's just the structure but me.... you had some dope rhymes in here, deep & complex.

"Without my pen id be lost.. Its my method of venting all emotion
Its one of the few things in life...
... To which a show true devotion"
- liked that alot...although a rhyme in the 2nd line there would have been dope.

Vocab was as good as ever, you have a good knowledge and you apply it perfectly to your rhymes....& the added complexity of the vocab helps to make them more thought provoking, you know.

Liked the way you portrayed this, yea, it has been done before, but what makes each piece readable is the way each individual writes it personally, and this done just that, you intrigated a first hand account of "The Challenge" as it was fittingly put, and expressed some real imagry & graphic realism into your words.

Maybe not the best i've seen form you, but was by far above what i'd consider and average open mic...4/ had all the attributes, Flow,Vocab,Imagry,Personality,Concept etc....Keep this shit up, your improving rapidy.
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