Thread: Typing Rhymes
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Old 02-13-04, 04:51 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

Flow was dope...think you had some mad internals and alot of complex/depthful rhymes, you preventing from a simplistic approach which was nice...:
"The noose, tight or loose… it’s in your own finger tips
Virtual tricks mean shit… it’s a world of physicality
Of man-to-man mortality… so shed some perspective
Have plans other than to span cyber’s collective"
- thought it was well dope.

Got a sort of slow paced feel to this...beacuse of the way you structured it.

Vocab was tight, was spaced out well and refrained from over and underusing it, it fitted an flowed in nicely, keeping the piece consistant and fluent throughout. Looked like it had alot of thought into it 'cos words were inserted professionally.

Didn't think the imagry hit as hard as it should have, and yes, it did sort of lose it's appeal in the middle although picked it up again around this line:
"Some say it’s intruding, eluding… but I say escapism"....
Felt that you were tired, distressed maybe....?

Overall this was a good piece...flow was fluent and the vocab was well executed..although the imagry was lacking, it was still a good read..3/5.
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