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Old 05-14-04, 09:11 AM   #7
macKa's Avatar
Posts: 111
From: Sydney, AUS.

OK. Well.

Fingaz, yes you ha dmulties, but some of them really didn't make much sense. Anybody can throw together a shitload of phrases that rhyme well, but ur still battling. You came with basically no good punches, You had a couple, but they were very, very obscure. Not really credible for a battle. Symptom, you had a few good lines, like,
"get some Practice bitch cuz I'll 'Burn fInGeRs' like Kitchen Accidents"
but there was also alot of simple shit that was lame. If you'd kept going the whole battle like the line abve, you would have swept him away. As it was, I felt that Symptom got it, merely coz he had better punches and some of FIngaz multies didn't really make sense.
Vote - Symptom.
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