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Old 05-25-04, 04:41 AM   #17
New to RB
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Posts: 71
From: London, me dun tell ya!!!

Okay, nice battle. Close, too.

Opener: 2/5 (liked the idea, but wasn't tru rhyming)
Flow: 3.5/5 (you almost got a 4 by virtue of the 'Cuz souls gonna make you see(sea) slugs like aquatic life' line. Liked it much)
Personals: 3/5
Multis: 2/5 (not really a multi-filled rhyme, but what the hey?)
Finisher: 3/5

Mad Dog
Opener: 2/5 (nice, but not really abrasive)
Flow: 3.5/5 (flow is getting better as a whole.. IMHO.... shoot! This thins IS close!!)
Personals: 4/5 (liked the Will Smith reference - ain't no emcee waqnna be compared to Will Smith...apart from the fact that he is madd rich and got himself a fine ass woman!!!! But other than that, don't nobody wanna be compared to 'Big Willy'!)
Multis: 3/5 (had one or two multis, which was more than his opponent)
Finisher: 2/5

My vote?

The Dog Gets it!
"Strong Lyrics, Never Die Like Gimmicks; Once You've Got the Dope Rhymes Then The Sky's The Limit"
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