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Old 06-04-04, 09:58 AM   #3
lover boy
New to RB
Posts: 91
From: LA

I can see yo words thrugh yo mouth u ready to spit/
when u rap yo style is like die'in in my sleep I don't fell it;
to me this is a battle not a friendzy/
because yo words and punches don't torment me;
when u try to rap I put my dick in yo mouth so u can choke/
I'm not going to to stop till yo vain pop through yo throte;
with them lines u probable want get uh duel/
I can pour bleach down yr lungs and leave them brighter then they already is;
I got yo body in the ground ready to declay/
wonder'in when is the evidence gone to rot away;

I'm through...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
kon vick mailbox [IMG]KON VICK

EMINEM's ^^^ Slim Shady lp

Den Den Den Den Den Den, Go go gadget dick!
Whipped that shit out, and aint no doubt about it
It hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outage
I shouted "Now bitch, lets see who gets the best!"
Stuffed that shit in crooked and fucked that fat slut to death (Ahh!! Ahhh!)