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Old 06-21-04, 09:56 PM   #23
New to RB
Posts: 56

this battle was decent.... I was starting to get discouraged at the lack of quality here.... HORUD you had some nice punches, structure was a nightmare, but def had the better verse here. Had some decent punches, just fix it up so the rhymes hit at the end of the line instead of having multiple lines together separated by slashes, that shit is ugly. as far as content goes, you swept this no problem. Virt you have a decent structure and approach but need to get off your simpson's trip dog. You really had no hard hitters, your attempts at punches were all comparisons Example:

like u wearin munchkin socks
like malfunctioned clocks
like empty vending Machines
like the ring movie spoof


vote - HORUD for coming less wack.

yall hit this up

HardWood Class-Sickz
Class is in session kids

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