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Old 07-01-04, 09:12 PM   #8
Decree Wun
That's Gangsta
Posts: 1
From: 9 Oh 5

kid your a fuckin know your gonna lose so you have all the advantages on yoru side..........FUCKIN PUNK...grr that makes me soo that how your crew wins battles..yall fuckin cheat to shit..FUck want till 9 20 fine then bitch...

heres my verse patna....stay up...but stop tha tnon sense you prolly pre writ your verse if not your already done have your verse..thaz cheap..aiight lez go

Spit-Flames, Rip-Lames, Mer-Kin Don, From Dust Till-Dawn...........
Leave you dead on my front lawn, your rap status Is similar To Pawns......
your Highly Unknown, wore a du-rag and still couldn't get "waves".....
Murder You, Leave your cascatte next to your great grandma's Grave.......
Kid Spits Wackness, Like Shaq's 3's you Need More Practice........
You Don't win, everything was given to you like a hollywood actress.......
Blast-Nines, You Don't-shine, Like Black lights..........
Merk this kid quickly, have him on the First Flight.........
Blast My Gats Right Through Your Grandma's Rockin' Chair.........
Through your Moms Apron, And it aint Stoppin There.......

stupid punk ass bitch ...lucky i wasnt on my bset...i will merk you..AND U FUCKIN SED MY SHIT WAS PRE WRITES U STUPID FUCKER ILL FUCKIN KILL U I FUCKIN HATE THAT BULLSHIT I DONT FUCKIN PRE WRITE I FUCKIN HATE PREWRITERS UR A FUCKIN PUNK.....ARGHHHHHH U FUCKINNNNNN BITCH STOP SAYIN MY SHITS PREWRITES IF I WAS NEAR U ID FUCKIN SLAP U RIGHT IN UR FACE FOR PRE WRITES..UR JUS JELOUS CUZ MY SHITS SICK....jus becuz someone has sick shit duznt make it prewritten holy fuck that pisses me off.......each battle i had i made it 10 mins after they called me the fuck culd i pre
DeCrEe WuN

The Hardest.............
...........It Gets

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