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Old 07-20-04, 09:06 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

My Game is Gory, u tell fairy tales like Aesop n Son's Ancient Stories
so i'm "burning" u to a Denzel movie so u'll go out in a "Blaze Of Glory"
don't Tell Me yo Crews Hot, i'll hit u in the Belly with Two Glocks
You Vs. ME? that's like comparing Nelly Wit Tupac
You Lick The Assholes, I'm a Def (deaf) "Artist" like Vincient Vango
For me it makes dollars to war, for u it don't make Sense To Battle
Mercenary, I Heard U Scary so I run u over like Road Kill
No Skills to pay the Bills, good thing he lives wit mom n has No Bills
Lil trip? I'll nudor you and make trip over yo own Lil Dick
In every line you fall off more man, "Get A Grip"