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Old 07-20-04, 09:19 PM   #6
Middle Weight
Lil-trip's Avatar
Posts: 451


"Truthfully" 29, your mom leaves her condoms UnTraceable n Soddered
Dont leave that bitch bothered, cus you wonderin whos your real father
Trip will always Spit Hotter, cus' a father cant be beaten by his daughter
Ur shit cant stick if it was T-shirt thats Holtered, dippin once n it falters
T-R-I-P, is the Main Crossreference when DaTruth is Reppin N lookin up "G"
Truths a Faggat you see, denies being able to "Recieve" But Delivers Anally a Clear STD
Follow the "White-Line" Pussy, be fucked off n O of it n you think you can Shook Me
Maybe will jus sell yo "Noo-kie", cus I wont Listen if You Crowned me "King" sayin "Rook-Me"
Your battlin a Panther Leader, who didnt get this far by bein You but Bein Me n Meaner
sorry Kanye his soul is weaker, didnt make a Atheist but a "Recieiver" a "Believer"...

~Holla Lil Trip
The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams.

Tupac Shakur

No longer living in fear, my pistol close in hand, Convinced this is my year...

Death is only as big as you make it, treat it as if its from Harlem n learn to Shake it...

- Lil Trip

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