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Old 07-23-04, 05:35 PM   #37
Keith Moon
Thank You, Come Again
Posts: 3,908
From: Pomona, California

mcs aint what they used-to-be.. wack kids, my dispels-are-insane..
no votes for calamity, cos bitin chinos the only way he XL's-in-this-game..
nice wordplay 8.5/10

droppin his mic-fast, on the run, afraid of the shame that his types-cast..**
sorry nigga, but youre the first black man to be classified as white-trash..
hmmmm 7/10 nice closer

really nice verse one man..........some goodd punches.personals......but you focused more on killing him than punches......lines a lil strecthed (mine 2) but ur multiples help.

ima save the worst for last, his lines are toys to play wit..
and like you said:
nice closer usin his own words gainst him umm 6.7/10

no-merits,scared hairless,tho he not a bald eagle..
couldnt change identitys for the better............
............if he played the character of smeagle..
8.5/10 nice diss.....

he wouldnt be high among "vets" ona ladder in vietnam..
whys this dude rappin, his "instruments" are pom-poms..
nice worplay wit his name an stuff..........8/10

close battle pretty good but im goin with Calamity cuz his verse flowed easier and had more so harder punches..... One bands tlaked obut killin which was ok but not necessarily punches

plz return the favor...