Thread: here i am
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Old 07-23-04, 09:19 PM   #63
raw killa
fuck da hataz B.A.M 4 life
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Posts: 600

ayt enough wit da name callin n circus acts people manipulation is rite so is:tourn n kronuz but yea im white dont make me as more or less a ghetto person as u "blacks r obviosly u people r so blinded by ur ignorance u dont kno da truth either dat or u kno n dont wanna admit it i dont mean disrespect when i say nigga u wanna take it dat way fine cry me a river but think wut u think i was born n raised in da hood i kno wut its like i seen both worlds first hand from da west 2 da east ive lived half my life in cali n da otha have in jersey i kno da meanin of poverty,ghetto,gangsta's n struggle from points of views from both worlds ive lived da shit aint nuttin fake u people r actin like fuckin children like tourn said how da fuck ya'll gonna say it back in fourth 2 each other like it kool n a signiture for friendship how da fuck cant we say it drop da fuckin past grow up n live in out present yea we might have sum kkk type peeps around but trust if i saw 1 id b jus like u n a either beat da livin shit outta him til he wishes he was dead or kill him jus as fast as da next nigga would u people tlkn shit 2 me tlkn bout i dont kno u good i dont want but in da same respect u dont kno who da fuck i am n wut i been through my fuckin pops use 2 beat me n my moms when i was fuckin child im tlk 5 yrs n da bad part bout it was my mom was fuckin handicap n they divorced when i was 5 live wit my mom til i was 12 n she had a relapse of a brain tumor n went 2 a coma i moved back wit my dad n continued bein beat n abused physically,mentally,n emotionally in my teen age years(15-18)i was in n out of group homes,juvi shelters n juvinile hall 4 a yr n 1/2 straight than on probation 4 a yr cuz of 3 counts of dirty urin caught bein stoned in class,n contempt of court than i was kicked out n dat violated my probation so i was locked anotha 6 months in juvi hall n sent finally 2 live wit my mom n her ass chose my step dad ova me n kicked me out n i became homeless 4 like 2-4 months n joined da military went 2 korea my first duty station n broke my left femur tryin 2 train jus 2 protect punk ass chumps from terrist on top of dat me n my niggaz been shot at due 2 cryin bitches mad cuz we left them plus i almost died when i was 18 due 2 a white ford explorer sum asshole was drivin n ran a red light when i was walkin 2 work da list goes on ive been through shit u pricks couldnt fathom so drop da shit jus cuz of a person skin color dont mean he/she cant b ghetto hood or w/e wut u see like i fuckin said earlier is wut u get i can b da tightest nigga u got or da worse enemy 2 have jus ask da motha of dis crips pussy who raped my ex fiance da nigga died wit 2 shots 2 his dome n 2 his chest(yea i mean brain n heart) so think wut u think n baleeve wut u want i kno who i am question is do u kno who ya'll r? peace im out dis bitch cant stand arguein wit peons who not on my level
write all u want now n make jokes at least i can admit my life n not hide behind words n phrases u drop on lines im outta here like eminem here tell sumtin else these people already kno bout me 1 luv holla

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