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Old 07-29-04, 01:59 AM   #24
raw killa
fuck da hataz B.A.M 4 life
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Posts: 600


Originally Posted by Kizza
I believe Suge Knight had 2Pac killed....I also think Dre had a lot to do with introducing Orlando Anderson and Suge. remember 2Pac dissed Dre by saying 'we shook Dre that punk ass, now we outta the closet'...2Pac was planning on leaving Death Row and starting his own record label on the East Coast w/the Outlawz. I saw an interview on which he states he and a friend to remain nameless were about to jump off with an East Coast record label, and there has been some speculation that he was talking to Damon Dash n Jay Z at that time. This interview was about a week and a half before he was killed. This would have been bad business for Aftermath, but good business for 2Pac's new label, and Bad Boy. Dre was still tight with Suge, and introduced him to Orlando Anderson. The hit was made easier by the fact that 2Pac trusted Suge. I also read an interview with Ice Cube after pac was shot and he said ' Pac's death is a real tragedy, but he was using too many names on his songs'

As for B.I.G., P-Diddy had nothing to do with it. He was a patsy all the way along, and true although he did get rich off notorious, he would have done it either way. If Notorious lived Bad Boy would have still been huge strictly based upon notorious. P-Diddy might not have gotten as big, but up until BIG's death P-diddy was content to let another nigga make his money for him. When he lost BIG he realized he had to show that he had at least soaked up a little game from being in the booth with one of the best on the mic. The LAPD is FAMOUS for it's cover-up jobs they do for their officers. They have more dirty cops than Mexico.

latinkitten im sry but u a total idiot if u think p.diddy had n e thing 2 do wit B.i.G's murder y would he kill him 4 1 if at the time n still in out present biggie was makin bad boy into wut it is now w/o biggie diddy was nuttin....
as for suge n pac kizza rite partly....see 2pac yes was gonna go 2 a different label but it wasnt no roc a fella shit he was gonna start his own label n suge didnt like dat idea n i can prove dat fact if u listen 2 until the end of time cd
cuz there's at least 4-5 songs on there where 2pac mention's jay-z but not in a friendly but dissin way as far as dre c'mon RESURRECTION movie bout 2pac funded by aftermath n shady records along wit pac's family n friends c'mon lets b honest wit ourselves yea suge's puss ass probly knows who killed pac big but like dude said "even if i knew i aint snitch" dis shit aint ever gonna b solved at least not while were life if ever like niggaz say lapd worse than mexico where racial shit still lives a lil at least back in those days buut no 1 got da balls enough 2 re-open da case n solve for fear wut will happen 2 them cuz we all know da murderer still alive sum where livin it up n if shit is re-opened im sure he got da same strings he did back then so he/she will find out n he/she will jus stop who eva investigatin da shit its a neva endin trail 2 nuttin but more spectulation n hypthesis unless da actual killer's or suge say sumtin da case's will neva truly b closed-dats my thought peace

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